Many people in Russia are wondering if the 2015 weekend will change. Well, or rather, they are interested in whether the number of holidays will increase in the new year. After all, most people want more paid weekends. The 2015 weekend and holiday calendar will help you plan your vacation, as well as make it possible to make a full-fledged vacation out of the weekend.

The calendar of weekends and holidays in 2015 was compiled on the basis of the decree of the Government of the Russian Federation. It is possible that later there will be some adjustments in the resolution, but they, if they do, will be quite insignificant.
2015 New Years weekend
Unfortunately for many, December 31 will also remain a weekday. I would like the 30th and 31st to be days off and the pre-holiday preparations could be fully developed. But the Government decided not to give this weekend to people with a 5-day work week. But New Year's weekend will last long enough. In the calendar of weekends and holidays in 2015, the days from 1 to 11 January are marked in red. Since these days fall on Saturday and Sunday, they decided to postpone them to the end of January and May. Saturday 3rd January will be rescheduled to Friday 9th January. And on January 4, it will be postponed with an additional weekend on May 4.
Weekend for February 23, 2015
From this year, Defender of the Fatherland Day will be celebrated for 3 whole days. The holiday itself falls on Monday. And in addition to it, the days off will be Saturday and Sunday 21 and 22 February.
Weekend on 8 March 2015
This year March 8 will fall on Sunday. The government of the Russian Federation decided that for this Sunday holiday it is necessary to additionally give one more day off on Monday. So International Women's Day can be celebrated on March 7, 8, and 9.
Holidays in May 2015
As already mentioned, the day off from January 4, 2015 will be postponed to May 4. As a result, the holidays will last 4 days. From Friday to Monday inclusive.
On Victory Day, the Russian Government decided to give 3 days off. May 9 falls in 2015 on Saturday. And this holiday was postponed to Monday. Therefore, everyone will rest from May 9 to 11.
Weekend June 12, 2015
June 12 will be a holiday of Russia. And the day off falls on Friday. So the weekend will again be 3 days: Friday, Saturday and Sunday.
Weekend November 4, 2015, National Unity Day
The holiday falls on a day in the middle of the week - Wednesday. And it was decided to provide only one day off. So there will be one day off in November on Wednesday 4th November.
2015 weekend calendar