The Silver Wedding is the day on which two loving people started a family 25 years ago. The best gift for the "newlyweds" will be to organize a family holiday, the nature of which depends on the interests of the parents and family traditions.

All gifts that give a good mood and charge with positive, can be conditionally divided into two large categories: intangible gifts of "pleasant moments" and traditional.
Gifts of "pleasant moments" or surprise gifts require preparation, so it is best to think about them in advance. Firstly, it can be variations on the theme of photos: from a variety of thematic photo sessions with the involvement of professional makeup artists, to huge advertising banners depicting loved ones.
The simplest, but rather interesting option is a photo collage or photo newspaper with wedding photos of the heroes of the day and congratulations to their loved ones. A filled multi-frame or edited video sequence from photos of parental love story to the melodies of their youth will be a good gift.
A worthy place on the shelf will be taken by a modern photo album - a photo book with a family history that will delight you for many decades to come.
A photobook is a real book made of thick paper with photographs. Looks solid, nice to look at. The pages do not leave fingerprints and are rotated 180 degrees, thus. a photo can be on two pages at once.
You can give a gorgeous wedding banquet. Its format is possible both as a family dinner by candlelight, and as a gala feast in an expensive restaurant. To create an atmosphere, you can order a limousine, laser show, holiday fireworks, hold contests and take out a birthday cake, and also use other wedding attributes, but all this is at the discretion of each specific family.
Third, consider travel and other entertainment. What is not a gift - a honeymoon trip? Its geography will be determined by the preferences of the parents and the thickness of the children's wallet. Perhaps it will be a three-day vacation in a local boarding house, a long-awaited trip to the drawbridges of St. Petersburg, or perhaps a fairy tale of the romance of Paris or Prague.
If your parents are music lovers, sports fans or avid theatergoers, then tickets to a concert, stadium or theater will also serve as a pleasant surprise. And, perhaps, given their age, "newlyweds" will be happy with vouchers to a sanatorium or certificates to a spa at a weekend resort.
Traditional gifts can also be presented. Of course, a silver wedding cannot be done without silver. Traditional gifts are, of course, jewelry and silverware. If you want to amuse the heroes of the day, then you can present a silver souvenir talisman with a rag-spoon.
A rag-spoon is a talisman that multiplies the owner's money and brings success in all endeavors. The souvenir is carried in a wallet or purse, the miniature size of the spoon allows it to easily fit in the compartment for credit cards.
Household appliances, television and video equipment and modern means of communication - phones, tablets and laptops are traditionally considered significant, material gifts.
Those of parents who closely monitor their health will love medical devices ranging from electronic blood pressure monitors and massagers to home infrared cabins.
In any case, whatever the children will present, the most important will be the love, care and attention that they showed while preparing a gift for their parents.