Going to a wedding celebration with friends or relatives, many have difficulty in what and how to give to the newlyweds. In most cases, the couple will warn guests that it is best to hand over money. But even in this case, there remains a choice: just put an envelope on the tray or present a gift so that many years after the wedding, the young will remember your speech with a smile.

Step 1
If you decide to just give money in an envelope, learn a toast in advance - kind, sincere words about how long you have known the couple, how much good the groom and the bride have brought you. But do not get carried away with memories and do not drag out your speech. Boring long monologues will tire both guests and newlyweds.
Step 2
Shoot a video on the topic “What would have happened if they had not met”. And even if the newlyweds know the idea in advance and participate in the filming, it will be very interesting for them to see what happened in the end. And your show can become one of the memorable moments of the holiday. And in the end, you can smoothly lead to the gift - money - and say that you are happy to meet them and give money for a sweet honeymoon. Present comic handcuffs so that they never part, or a horseshoe - for luck, a funny brownie - the keeper of the family hearth. At least for the first time, these items will definitely occupy the most honorable place in the house.
Step 3
Many, when handing over money, advise what can be bought with it, and give appropriate hint objects: a symbolic steering wheel so that the young people buy a car, or a straw hat for the bride so that they can rest only in the Bahamas. Diversify this moment by arranging a comic themed lottery in which everyone can participate. For example, if you donate money for a trip, let everyone get a particle of the sea: the mother-in-law - soap with a sea smell, and the bride's little sister - a shell. But, of course, the main prize is money - for a young family.
Step 4
If you nevertheless purchased the right gift for the young, take care of a beautiful, elegant packaging for it. You can come up with (or search the Internet) an interesting poem - a riddle about your thing, about its importance for a young family, useful qualities, stick an interesting label with photos of the bride and groom or dress up as a postman Pechkin and give a festive "parcel".