No matter how unusual a gift is, the way it is presented can ruin all the impressions of it or be remembered for many years. Instead of classic poems and wishes, you can accompany the presentation of the presentation with a real show.

Step 1
Use a courier service if you need to deliver a gift to the office. The advantage of this delivery method is that the recipient will be very surprised. The downside is the additional costs associated with paying for courier services. Therefore, you yourself can change clothes, for example, as a pizza peddler and come to the office.
Step 2
Arrange a test for the hero of the occasion. You can mark several points on the map where he must definitely visit and complete certain tasks, for example, finding a key to a suitcase or a diagram of the location of the next object. The result of such a quest will be the presentation of a gift. Another option for congratulations can be the children's game "12 notes".
Step 3
Plan your giveaway. You can change into a granny who goes out for a walk with a pooch, a police officer or a doctor. It is important that the person being played does not fully realize that all this is organized especially for him. And, of course, you need to know when to stop so as not to put the hero of the occasion in an uncomfortable position.
Step 4
Purchase plenty of helium balloons. Tie a small gift to the ends of the ribbons, attach a long string or thread and let the whole structure fly up to the height of the windows of the hero of the occasion. If the gifted person does not show interest in an unidentified object on the street, call him and ask him to look out the window. Make sure it is at home first.
Step 5
Play a joke on the hero of the occasion. For example, you can announce that you have purchased a service for him and, upon handing over, stretch out beautifully with a box on the floor so that the ringing of fragments can be heard by everyone around. You will have the opportunity to observe first the disappointment of the gifted, because the dishes as a gift are not the best option, for example, for an avid diver, and then for fear that you fell and everything crashed. But after that you can safely hand him something else. The ill-fated box, of course, should contain only broken glass.