Any person passing from the category of workers to the category of retirees is going through a real drama. A keen awareness of their age, thoughts of old age, anxiety for their future financial well-being, fear of loneliness and uselessness come. At such an acute moment, a person especially needs support and warmth, including from his colleagues.

It is necessary
nice gift, creative numbers, photo newspaper
Step 1
Prepare to send off your colleague to retire so that you get not ordinary gatherings, but a well-organized celebration that a person will remember with pleasure and gratitude. Either refuse the idea of inviting a toastmaster to the event, or ask a sincere and delicate person to act in this role, who can set the desired tone for the celebration.
Step 2
Give an expensive gift from the team. Traditionally, a luxury item is presented, often a nice watch or a tea set. Choose a gift taking into account the tastes of your colleague, try to give only what the person will be really happy with. Pay special attention to the quality of the purchased item: even minor flaws in a farewell gift can embarrass and deeply offend.
Step 3
Arrange a real creative evening for a colleague. Let each of the employees show their imagination and, according to their abilities, write a poem, remake a song, prepare a story about some pleasant and funny incident with the participation of the hero of the occasion. Combining a feast with such small creative numbers will create a friendly and intimate atmosphere. Think over joint congratulations, which can also be made in poetic or song form. An obligatory part of the event is the speech of the chief. Business etiquette requires that it contain memories of the success of the retiring employee, as well as a high assessment of his business and personal qualities.
Step 4
Employees who are not inclined to oral creativity, entrust the design of a photo newspaper. In it, post photos of colleagues, complemented by their warm words and good wishes to the retiring person. You can be sure that such a souvenir will be carefully stored for many years.