Long years of work and colossal life experience are behind me, so the time has come to accept congratulations on retirement. However, not everyone is ready to accept the fact that tomorrow there is no need to rush to work.

It is necessary
- -present;
- - solemn speech;
- -computer with internet.
Step 1
Many newly minted retirees do not feel much joy with the acquisition of a new status. There is a feeling of uselessness, boredom and loneliness. For others, retirement is a new life, a time for completely different plans. Finally, you can safely go to numerous relatives, devote yourself entirely to your grandchildren or go on a trip around the world. Regardless of the person's attitude to his new status, congratulate him so that he feels that at this time, life can be rich and bright.
Step 2
Come up with something original and interesting. Your task is to make sure that congratulations do not turn into a traditional event with banal solemn speeches and the presentation of useless gifts. Think over the scenario of the holiday. Select facilitators and assistants. Decorate the room where the event will be held with flowers or balloons so that the hero of the occasion will again feel like in childhood.
Step 3
Think, write down a speech in which you will talk about how a person lives, his circle of interests. It will be more interesting if you prepare a computer presentation with photographs. Get some interesting photos, you may need to chat with family members of the newly minted retiree. At the presentation, imagine him not as a skilled worker, but as a good grandfather, father, husband, summer resident or an avid fisherman. This will give colleagues an opportunity to look at a person in a completely different way, whom they seem to have known all their lives.
Step 4
Prepare a congratulatory speech (or find it on the Internet), in a comic form. In it, write about how you kindly envy the newfound freedom of a pensioner, because this is the best time to travel, get to know the world, and indulge in your favorite hobby.
Step 5
Do not give unnecessary things that will gather dust in the closet for a long time. If a person is fond of fishing, present him with a spinning rod, sports - skis or a bicycle (depending on the type of sport), all his life he dreamed of traveling - a tourist voucher (make sure you have a passport).
Step 6
Ask your relatives to take an active part in congratulating the pensioner. Help them prepare, come up with words for a song about a dear person and musical accompaniment to it. Everyone will be pleased to hear sincerity and kind words from loved ones.