New Year is one of the most important holidays. It is celebrated all over the world, in every country at different times, and every person celebrates it in their own way. However, they all have one thing in common - everyone who celebrates wants to share this holiday with others. So how do you get the maximum number of people involved in your celebration?

Step 1
Call the radio. There are so many different kinds of programs where you can call and congratulate everyone you want with anything. This process is not the easiest, especially on New Year's Eve - after all, you will have to listen to many beeps before you are on the air, however, you must admit, it is worth it - a lot of people who you have never seen in your life will hear your congratulations.
Step 2
Go to the social network. It is known that a lot of people are now registered in social networks, and this gives you the opportunity to congratulate many of them. To get started, register, and if you are already registered in one of the social networks, start sending congratulations, setting statuses and in every possible way to share your joy and delight with other people. However, be careful. If there are too many messages, the system may mistake you for a spammer and ban you forever, and this will not give you the opportunity to congratulate people next year.
Step 3
Send postcards to your friends! The most pleasant congratulation is the one to which the congratulatory has put his hand, especially in our insensitive age of high technologies. Therefore, if you have enough addresses of close and distant acquaintances, people with whom you have come across for work or personal matters, please them with human warmth - sign a postcard and send it to everyone you want to congratulate. Believe me, they will be very pleased - after all, who is sending postcards now?
Step 4
Go outside and congratulate every person you meet. In the new year, many eccentricities are allowed, draw a poster or a flag, hang yourself with rain from the tree and go to give joy to people, this will bring joy to you and many others. In addition, do not forget that you can diversify your message of congratulations to people - sing songs, read poetry, dance - there are a lot of options. And of course, try to attract other people to congratulate - because the more joy in the new year, the better.