The Day of the Fiery Volkh is an old holiday. It was celebrated by the ancient Slavs on September 14. In the first month of autumn, they honored the pagan god of justice and war, who guarded the entrance to the mysterious Irian garden. And together with him they paid tribute to Mother Earth.

According to legend, the Fiery Magus was born from the union of the Mother of the raw earth and the lord of the forces of darkness, Indrik the beast. When the boy grew up, he killed his father and possessed his power over the dark forces. It is no coincidence that the name Volkh sounds like "sorcerer", that is, a sorcerer, a wizard.
The newfound power seemed insufficient to the young man; he wanted to receive strength from the heavenly kingdom. For this, Volkh turned into a falcon, flew to the Irian garden, which was in the sky, and tried to peck at the magic golden apples. The one who tasted these fruits received unlimited power over the world and eternal life.
But then the young man heard a wonderful female voice. This was sung by the beautiful Lelya, the embodiment of purity and virginity. The Fiery Magus realized that he did not need to conquer the universe, he only wanted to be close to the beauty. They fell in love, but Volkh could not marry Lele. After all, he was from the underworld, according to the laws of the universe, he had to fight the forces of light. Therefore, the lovers had to meet in secret.
But the sisters Leli, Marena and Zhiva learned about the forbidden connection. They lay in wait for Volkh near the window of his beloved, where he flew in as a falcon at night, and stuck sharp needles into the opening. Leli's lover injured his wings and could not get inside. He had to return to his dark kingdom.
But Lelya did not come to terms with the loss of her lover. She left the heavenly home, wandered around the world for many years, took down three pairs of iron shoes, broke three cast-iron staffs, ate three bread of stone. Blood flowed from her bare feet, stepping on sharp stones, from the drops of which roses appeared. In the end, she found her beloved, freed him from the underworld. From a formidable and merciless enemy of light forces, Volkh turned into a defender of good.
Researchers suggest that this particular pagan god is the prototype of such heroes of Russian fairy tales as Finist the Clear Falcon and the Gray Wolf. It is interesting that on September 14, on the Day of the Fiery Volkh, the Slavs celebrated the harvest festival. They thanked Volkh's mother - the Damp Land. They also extinguished the old fire and lit a new one with the help of flint. On this day, guests were treated everywhere, baked pies from flour of the new harvest, brewed beer and celebrated.