We are all looking forward to our birthday as one of the most important holidays of the year. Birthday celebrations differ from all the others in only one thing - this holiday has a culprit, and he is more important than anyone else in the world. Every time we just puzzle over how to celebrate a birthday so that it will be remembered as the most fun and vibrant holiday. As a rule, a large company gathers for the celebration, and in order not to just sit at the table, entertainment is needed, in which all those present will be involved.

Step 1
You can have a masquerade ball. It is necessary to prepare invitations in advance and indicate in them that the guest would be exposed in the fancy dress of his favorite movie or cartoon hero. Moreover, you can arrange a competition for the best production of a scene from the film, at the end choose the winner and give him a kind of Oscar.
Step 2
Draw a funny picture on a Whatman paper and cut out the mugs so guests can stick their heads in there. In the midst of the holiday, you can roll out the screen with the picture hidden so far and select the participants in the competition. When the guests have taken their places, open the drawing and instruct the participants to create a dialogue that is only indirectly related to what is drawn. For example, a couple is drawn on a Whatman paper, he is handcuffed to the bed, she is sitting on top, and the dialogue must be composed on the topic "A police officer stopped a girl who exceeded the speed." You can prepare several drawings so that as many guests as possible take part in the competition.
Step 3
If you want to arrange a surprise for your beloved man, then rent a hotel room without telling him anything about it. Decorate the room, set the table, prepare yourself (buy beautiful underwear or a maid or nurse costume), call the faithful and tell them that you are already waiting for him. He will never forget such a gift, and will brag to his friends for a long time.
Step 4
Usually birthday gifts are given to the birthday person, and you can surprise your guests with a gift for them. Present your guests with an unusual dance or song. Of course, you will have to prepare in advance. But how will you surprise your friends, who, well, did not expect such a step from you.