Children are looking forward to their birthday. They want this day not only to invite many guests, to receive wonderful gifts, but also to spend it in an unusual, fun, unforgettable way. Therefore, drawing up a script for a children's holiday should be approached especially carefully and thoroughly.

Step 1
First, decide on the venue for the holiday. If there is such an opportunity, then organize it outside the city so that the children have the opportunity to run around the site, play, and not be in a stuffy room all day.
Step 2
Organize not just a holiday, but a theme party to pleasantly surprise your child. For example, a "Cosmic Party" can be organized for a boy.
Step 3
Prepare invitations for the birthday person's guests in advance. In them, you can inform that the venue of the celebration will be a cosmodrome, and indicate the address. Ask your guests to prepare interesting alien costumes or prepare them yourself.
Step 4
It is desirable that the gift continues the space theme of this day. For example, you can purchase the appropriate toy: a rocket, an astronaut figurine, an astronaut kit, etc. You can also buy a book or CD with a movie about space aliens.
Step 5
Decorate the room in an unusual way. You have to dim the light, place small colorful lanterns everywhere, prepare a poster with interesting information about the various planets. You can randomly hang clippings from magazines with images of any cosmic bodies, etc. everywhere.
Step 6
Prepare unusual fruit and vegetable dishes for the children and talk about what exactly they are served in, for example, on the planet Mars. Order a cake with an astronaut figurine.
Step 7
Competitions can be both creative and sports (outdoors). For example, you can prepare forfeits in advance with tasks for children and hide them in different places on the site. Tell the children that the planet Earth is in danger, and only they can save it by following in sequence everything that is written in the phantoms. Moreover, you can limit them in time or divide them into teams. Having found one fant, the guys fulfill the requirement (they perform a song about the sky, the sun, space, or answer a question). In the same phantom, encrypt the location of the other. Next, the children should quickly run to the place where another task is hidden, etc.
Step 8
At the end of the evening, when the children get tired of running and performing various tasks, you can announce to them that the planet has been saved and prepare a small theatrical performance. In the absence of creativity, invite people who do it professionally (there are many such proposals at the present time).
Step 9
Prepare unusual souvenirs for guests as a gift for active participation in competitions. Show your imagination in their design and selection, for example, it can be a moonstone or some exotic plant from another planet.