On April 1, April Fools' Day, it is customary to laugh, joke and tease your loved ones. Traditional jokes like "your back is in chalk" are pretty boring to everyone. Therefore, if you want to play a high-quality prank on a person, come up with a joke yourself.

Step 1
Pick the person you are going to make fun of, and remember everything you know about him. The joke must be individual, then it will be successful. Have you decided to play a trick on your blonde friend, who does not understand computers and is afraid of rodents? Install a screensaver on her laptop that looks like a broken screen, and instead of a computer mouse, bring a toy rat that looks like a real one. Of course, at the same time, you must be sure that your friend is the owner of strong nerves, and does not collapse into a swoon, grabbing a toy.
Step 2
Consider the age and socio-cultural level of the objects of your jokes. For a child, the simplest jokes are suitable, such as a white back and untied shoelaces, with the same blonde friend, perhaps you should not joke about classical literature. but if your fellow professor is a shot sparrow, a good joke for him will have to work hard. Most likely, it will be related to work. For example, replace the test tubes with reagents with which the scientist planned to conduct the experiment with tea, coffee, gouache-colored water. Of course, after you laugh, your colleague should return his things.
Step 3
You should not play the boss, no matter how democratically he behaves with you. If you still come up with a great joke and you can't resist doing it, at least do it alone with him. Nobody wants to present themselves as a laughing stock in front of the entire team, and the chief in particular.
Step 4
Do you have to move around the city by public transport all day? Crowds of people around you are wonderful listeners of April Fools' jokes. As you ride the bus across the bridge over the river, exclaim "dolphins!" Or, in a subway car, start waving joyfully out the window, peering into the darkness. Remember, your jokes shouldn't create panic. For example, shouting "giant rats!" in the same metro will not be the best option.
Step 5
Keep safety in mind when making up a joke. Some people have weak hearts, so you shouldn't play cruel pranks on them. If you need to hide some of your friend's things to make a good joke, do not forget to return them safe and sound.