On April 1, it is customary to joke, laugh and play tricks on relatives, close people, colleagues, friends and just acquaintances. A successful, original joke will help you stand out on this day.

Step 1
Select the object of the joke. It can be one or several people. Exclude from the list of possible candidates easily vulnerable people and those whose wit you doubt. Also, do not joke with your superiors. As a result of the rally, your leader may find himself in a stupid position in front of the team. You are unlikely to get away with this successfully. No matter how funny your boss is, he doesn't want to make a fool of himself in front of his subordinates. Consider the age of the person you want to try the joke on. Keep in mind that it is better not to involve the elderly in this action.
Step 2
Find the right subject for your joke based on who the subject is. For example, someone who is poorly versed in computer technology can be joked by installing a special prank program on his computer. Naturally, this will not work with your system administrator. Note that a person's nationality can also become an obstacle to certain topics of a joke, because the mentality of representatives of all countries and nations is different.
Step 3
Come up with the essence of the joke. You can use sources such as books, magazines, television, radio, and the Internet for inspiration. Try to come up with a new joke, and not remake an old one in a new way. After you have come up with the main thing, go to the details. It will be great if your joke has a twist. Believe me, people will mark you as a funny and witty person and a creative nature, which can affect your status in the team and your authority in general. If you want to be a leader and ringleader, you can't do without jokes of your own composition.
Step 4
Prepare props that can be used in your joke. Something you can do with your own hands, the rest will need to be purchased in the store. If you need help, bring in a trusted person.