What To Drink For Shrovetide 2019: 3 Recipes For Drinks

What To Drink For Shrovetide 2019: 3 Recipes For Drinks
What To Drink For Shrovetide 2019: 3 Recipes For Drinks

Traditionally, a wide Maslenitsa is associated with delicious treats, among which, of course, pancakes with various fillings come to the fore. Hot black tea is usually served with pancakes or pancakes. However, Shrovetide can be celebrated not only with such a drink.

Shrovetide drinks
Shrovetide drinks

Among the drinks that can be consumed during Maslenitsa days, there are some alcoholic options as well as non-alcoholic drinks. It is worth choosing what to drink for Maslenitsa 2019 based on your personal taste preferences.

Traditional alcoholic drinks for Shrovetide - mead, homemade berry or fruit liqueurs, herbal liqueurs or balsams, home-made light wines.

Among the compulsory non-alcoholic drinks that should be put on the table when Maslenitsa is going to be, there are brew, sbiten. In addition to them, you can treat family members and guests with various homemade jelly, honey drinks, berry and fruit teas, kvass, milkshakes and fermented milk drinks, for example, kefir. Decoctions and teas from herbs / flowers, compotes, fruit drinks, various juices are also held in high esteem during the Maslenitsa celebrations.

How to cook sbiten for Shrovetide: a simple recipe

Sbiten is a flavored honey drink that can be served both cold and hot. It does not require an abundance of various ingredients or a lot of time to make it.


  • sugar syrup, 450 grams;
  • flower honey, 350 grams;
  • spices to taste, for example, you can take cinnamon, cardamom, mint or lemon balm for flavor, ginger for whitening;
  • drinking water, 4 liters.

Mix honey and spices. Then add them to the sugar syrup and mix everything well again. Pour the water into a suitable container and put it on the stove to warm up. As soon as it begins to gradually boil, add the sweet mixture. Bring the drink to a boil and keep it simmering for 30-35 minutes.

Bread kvass drink

You will need:

  1. bread kvass, 2 liters;
  2. horseradish, you must first grate it to make 4 small spoons;
  3. natural honey, 4 dessert spoons.

Such a drink is made very simply. Pour the kvass into a suitable container. Add horseradish and honey, mix everything well. Then cover the container with the drink with a plate or close the lid and refrigerate for about a day. Drink on Shrovetide should be exclusively cold (you can add ice cubes), having previously filtered it well.

Dried fruit broth for Shrovetide 2019

The broth is a kind of dry fruit compote, into which it is desirable to sweeten with honey. It is worth considering that this drink for the celebration of Maslenitsa must be insisted in the refrigerator (or on the balcony, if the weather permits) for at least 6 hours. It is also better to drink it cold.

To prepare the brew you will need:

  • dried cherries and plums, 200 grams of each berry;
  • raisins, 100 grams;
  • dried apples, 200 grams;
  • dried pears, 200 grams;
  • water, 2 liters;
  • natural flower honey (it is better if it is liquid), 1, 5 cups.

If you are allergic to honey, then you can notice it with the same amount of ordinary granulated sugar, but then the broth will lose its special taste, and the drink will no longer be traditional.

How to cook a boil? Prepared water is poured into a suitable container and placed on the stove. Apples and pears are added first. Cook them for about 20-25 minutes, until the dried fruit is soft enough. Then plums, raisins, cherries are added. After that, the drink must be boiled. The resulting broth must be poured into a separate container and cooled slightly. Add honey, stir it well, pour boiled dried fruits with sweet liquid. The drink is put back on the stove and boiled a second time. After that, the brew is infused in the cold for the above amount of time.
