A good poem will delight and impress your friend or beloved, this is a special gift. It must be talented, original and memorable. You can write it yourself, but you can involve experts in the field of poetry for this.

Step 1
First of all, decide whether to write a poem yourself or use someone else's. If you want to use a work by another author, think about whether it will be written by a famous poet or you will order a little-known one. In principle, there is nothing shameful in using a beautiful work of a famous poet, but only in a postcard it is necessary to indicate the authorship. If a poem is chosen tastefully, it will impress the recipient. For help in choosing an author, you can contact the forums of lovers of Russian poetry.
Step 2
If you decide to order a poem, find authors on the Internet. To do this, register on the content exchange as a customer. Then deposit money into your account and create an order with the price of the equivalent of a few dollars per thousand characters. A thousand signs for a poem is quite a lot. Provide basic information about who you want to donate the poem to, this will make it individual. Among the authors who will apply for your order, select those who have poems in their portfolio.
Step 3
Start looking for poets in advance, as it is not known whether you will like the first version of the work. After receiving the results of the work, check the finished poem for uniqueness using special programs. If everything suits you, take the order. It is difficult to check the authorship in this case, but it is better to indicate the real name of the author when you present the poem. Tell a friend: "I found a young poet especially for you who wrote these lines." This will intrigue him and he will be very pleased.
Step 4
If you decide to write a poem yourself, use a rhyme dictionary, for example - https://www.vsemusic.ru/literature/dictionary/rifma.php. If the rhyme does not work out, try to at least keep the rhythm of the piece, although for a real gift this is not the main thing. If you put love into your creation and show that a person is dear to you, he will forgive deviations from the poetic canon and will be very pleased with the attention to himself.