Summer holidays for schoolchildren are a time of rest. However, it can be carried out usefully, you only need to draw up a plan of your actions in advance, so as not to deviate from it later and achieve your goals.

There can be a lot of options for what to do during the summer holidays. But you should not indulge your desires too much, wasting precious days, it is better to do something useful. Of course, you need to rest, but about 2 weeks can be allocated for this.
Part-time job
In the summertime, you can find a part-time job. Undoubtedly, there are not so many vacancies for schoolchildren. But you will still be able to get a decent job, you just need to make some efforts. So, teenagers are gladly hired as a promoter. The responsibilities are simple, you will need to distribute flyers or conduct food tastings.
You can also get a job as a courier and a messenger, for this work you don't even need a license, it is enough to have a bicycle. Some offices temporarily require people in the office, special skills are not required here, you just need to be able to handle office equipment. If you succeed, you can get a job as a model, but for this you need to have certain parameters of appearance.
Summer holidays can be used to improve your knowledge of a particular subject. To do this, you should go to courses or hire a tutor. This option is especially relevant for future graduates, because they have to pass the exam, and this is not an easy task, it requires serious preparation, so summer time should be devoted to this.
Now, without English, it is simply impossible to get a job in a good company, so you can devote your summer holidays to studying it. During this time, anyone who wishes will improve their knowledge well, and it may subsequently be possible to go to study abroad through one of the international exchange programs.
If everything is in order with your studies and there are no subjects that need to be tightened up, then you can spend your summer holidays in the camp. There are quite a few of them and each has different living conditions, so it will be easy to find the ideal option for yourself. But if the parents allocate funds, then you can choose a camp abroad, as a result, you will be able to master a foreign language almost perfectly in 3 months.
Thus, over the summer, a teenager will be able to touch a different culture, find friends, gain new skills and have a great rest. Undoubtedly, not every family can afford it, but such a pastime is a good investment in the child's future. Therefore, you should think about this option and, if possible, allocate money for the trip.