For many, winter entertainment is limited to watching television, and at best - walking along the snow-covered alley of the park. In fact, there are a lot of primordially Russian ways to have fun with their own history.

The simplest entertainment is making a snowman. Even the smallest children can be safely involved in such an activity. This tradition is rooted in the deep past, when the ancient Slavs tried to appease the spirits of clouds and snow with the help of such amulets. Snowmen are most often created from three or four snowballs, but there are simply no restrictions on the construction of this sculpture, its size also depends only on the physical capabilities of the builders. If creating a snowman seems too simple, you can try out such winter fun as building a fortress. In the last century, several defensive structures were often built, the construction principle of which was similar to the creation of a snowman. But for the strength of the structure, you can pour snowballs placed on top of each other with water. With the help of such fortresses, you can play out real battles with the use of snowballs. For those who prefer an active lifestyle, the most fun will be the winter games in the form of sledging, skiing or ice skating. In this case, you should focus only on landscape design, since skiing from the mountains is not available everywhere. If winter fun is planned with the participation of children, then you need to build the event so that you can change roles. Sledding can be alternated with the child lifting them independently. Also, with the help of sleds, you can transport small parts of the fortress being created, which will diversify your leisure time. The main thing is that winter allows you to enjoy the snow. If possible, a picnic in the snow can be used as winter fun. This requires brazier and coals, as well as any type of food, since to feel a winter holiday it is not at all necessary to spend three quarters of an hour making a barbecue, when you can fry sausages in just 10 minutes.