How To Calm Down Before The Wedding

How To Calm Down Before The Wedding
How To Calm Down Before The Wedding

Of course, a wedding is one of the most exciting days, especially for the bride. On this day, you need to look great and wake up in a great mood, and for this, you should have a good rest the day before.

How to calm down before the wedding
How to calm down before the wedding

On the wedding day, the bride has to get up very early, because she needs to have time to do her makeup, hair and get ready. Often on the day before the wedding, the bride stays in a beautiful hotel room to shoot a photo session or a video of the gathering.

And the bride faces a very difficult task: not to worry and get a better sleep.

What should not be done on the day before the wedding.

1. Schedule many appointments.

2. Drink alcohol to calm down. The maximum is a glass of good wine.

3. If you can not sleep - in any case, do not take medicine without a doctor's prescription. Side effects can be unpredictable.

4. Panic. Sometimes it happens that, for example, the mother worries even more than the bride - in this case, it is better to limit your communication as much as possible on the day before the wedding.

5. Try to change something: postpone the start time of the banquet in the restaurant by 15 minutes, come up with new scenarios.

There is no need to focus too much on the little things - most likely, the guests will not even notice them.

What to do.

1. First of all, each person is individual - it is better for someone to be alone, while someone needs a companion or interlocutor.

2. The best psychologists are a make-up artist, florist, photographer, presenter. Feel free to call them and ask questions.

For specialists, this is not the first wedding, they have seen many different situations and know that you can find a way out of each.

3. Don't be discouraged by the weather. First, the next day it may change, and forecasts of weather forecasters are far from always correct. Secondly, many photographers say that in cloudy weather and even in the rain, photographs are obtained better than in sunny weather.

4. Give all the phones: photographer, videographer, florist, restaurant manager to parents, witness or sister, so that they will call everyone again and confirm the time.

5. Do not worry that the guests will not like something. They will come to rejoice for you, not to taste the menu in a restaurant or to take a tour. In the end, these are their problems, because you tried to do everything in the best possible way.

5. Dedicate this day to yourself: go to the salon, for a massage, for spa treatments. This will help you relax.

6. Think good. After all, you have been waiting for this day for so long, do not let the little things ruin your mood.
