How To Teach A Man To Give Gifts

How To Teach A Man To Give Gifts
How To Teach A Man To Give Gifts

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Most women perceive gifts as the highest manifestation of love and care from the stronger sex, but not everyone can boast of having such a man who has the gift of choosing non-trivial and memorable gifts. More often, the opposite situation arises: ladies receive as a gift a bouquet on duty or a certain amount of money that they are invited to spend "on themselves beloved."

How to teach a man to givets
How to teach a man to givets


Step 1

Avoid lengthy and ambiguous language. Not every man, having heard from his beloved that she would like to receive a red openwork bra as a gift, will present her with a bra. Most likely, a wall lamp will appear in her apartment. To avoid unnecessary disappointment, when speaking out loud your desires, express your thought in exactly 2-3 sentences. Cast aside unnecessary delights that distract male attention from the subject of the conversation. Do not place an order in an imperative form, starting the phrase with the words "you must". Men are unequivocally negative about the commanding tone. In this case, you run the risk of being left without a gift at all. Be smart and take a gentle approach.

Step 2

Lead by example. Get creative and choose a gift that suits your loved one’s tastes and hobbies so that he or she will appreciate your concern. An inexpensive little thing can also act as a present, reminding you of the pleasant moments that happened to your couple in the past. Do not try to surprise a wealthy man with an expensive gift - you are unlikely to succeed. It is better to present him with some trinket, such as a balloon, that can evoke pleasant emotions. Improve your art of hinting. Remember to tell your spouse from time to time about the cute things you find in stores. Describing their advantages, add a phrase that someday you will definitely buy the thing you like. Use more specifics: it's not a fact that a man will remember the name of the store he needs, but it's still worth trying to gently convey it to him.

Step 3

Speak in plain text if none of the above methods worked. Your straightforwardness can be perceived by a man as a sign of trust and care - not everyone likes to puzzle over a gift. This option will be an ideal way out in a life situation when there is an acute shortage of funds: it will not be excruciatingly painful from the need for someone to attach an expensive but disliked gift, since even the most elite perfume with an unpleasant smell for you will not bring any joy. If a man is still sick of such unambiguity, and he wants to have some freedom of choice, make a so-called "vish-list", which will indicate several things, the owner of which you would like to become.
