Valentine's Day in Russia began to be celebrated not so long ago, but has already become a favorite holiday not only among young people. Every romantic dreams of receiving as many hearts on this day as his mailbox can hold. You can give valentines not only to your beloved, but also to your friends and family. How can you sign a Valentine's card in an original and tasteful way?

Step 1
The first valentine carried a declaration of love. Since then, it is love confession that is the most common content of this postcard, which you can buy in the store, or you can make it yourself. Small hearts are made of paper, velvet, gift wrapping and other materials. It is also better to sign valentines on your own, although many of them are sold with ready-made confessions.
Step 2
Put all your feelings for the addressee into the words that you write on the valentine. If you know how to write poetry, this will be the best option. There is nothing more pleasant for the recipient than a poem dedicated to him personally.
Step 3
If poetry is not your element, warm, soulful words that express all your feelings for the recipient will do. The main thing is to write with all your heart. A small lyric poem by a famous author can complement your words.
Step 4
When buying a ready-made valentine, be sure to pay attention to the text that is already written on it. Love is different and words of passion are hardly suitable for congratulating your beloved aunt or grandmother.
Step 5
But if your pace of life does not allow, not only to make a valentine yourself, but even just buy it and sign it, congratulate your loved one by sending an SMS or an email. By the way, apart from a few warm words, in both of these cases it is quite possible to put an electronic postcard in the message.
Step 6
To keep some intrigue, you don't have to sign the valentine. This will surely intrigue the object of your adoration. And so that he can guess who the love message is from, write a congratulation so that the beloved can connect him with you. For example, using nicknames or just words you understand.
Step 7
As a wise man once said: "You cannot offend with love." If you are afraid to subscribe, remember these words and open up to your loved one. Perhaps this is exactly what he is waiting for!