Invitation cards are sent to all wedding guests, and the way they are decorated and signed depends on the impression that people will make about this holiday even before it happens. Usually, a postcard is used as an invitation, on the cover of which something is depicted on a wedding theme, information about the upcoming celebration is written inside.

Step 1
Choose invitation cards. These can be either ready-made cards, bought in a store, or invitations, designed according to your sketches and specially printed in a printing house to order.
Step 2
If the card was designed for your wedding by a designer, then most likely he provided a font that should be used for the signature. If there is no font, then you need to choose it so that it matches the general style of the invitation itself, as well as the entire wedding. Usually, everything related to information about the upcoming wedding is typed in plain text, and the names of the guests are in italics, in some cases they are written out by hand. If you or one of your relatives have beautiful calligraphic handwriting, then you can sign all the invitations with your hand - this will demonstrate to the guests that they are being treated with attention.
Step 3
First, an appeal to the prospective guests is written in the invitation. As a rule, the name and patronymic are used, but if these are your close friends or relatives, then you yourself decide how to contact the guest.
Step 4
This is followed by an information block, which says when and where the wedding will take place. Be sure to write the time of the ceremony, as well as the date and month. Here also indicate the address of the registry office, banquet hall or other places where you invite guests. If you are inviting to a wedding, write at what address the church is located and what time guests should arrive. Usually, the closest friends and relatives are called to the registry office or church, and all the guests are invited to the banquet.
Step 5
If the wedding is supposed to use a dress code, then you must indicate this. Also, you need to leave general recommendations on it. For example, write “suits and evening dresses”, or, if the wedding is stylized, indicate its theme.
Step 6
At the end of the invitation, the couple leaves their signature. Despite the fact that most often invitations are sent and signed by future newlyweds, parents can also do this on their own behalf, if the wedding is celebrated in their home.
Step 7
To prepare invitations, you first need to create a guest list. Unite those who come with families. According to etiquette, those who come together must receive one invitation. Individual invitations are sent only to those who come alone. If you are inviting a couple to a wedding who is not married, but lives together, then they are also entitled to a general invitation.