Second marriages are no longer such a rarity these days. More and more often couples break up and new ones are formed. When marrying a second time, many brides ask questions that relate to the organization of the celebration. Most of all, the fair sex is worried about the choice of a wedding dress for the re-marriage ceremony.

How to choose a dress
When choosing wedding clothes, you should be guided by the following factors:
1. The scale of the ceremony - a magnificent ceremony or a chamber one for relatives and friends to match the style of the holiday.
2. Place of the celebration. If it's a restaurant, choose whatever dress you like. If the banquet is organized at a camp site outside the city, the splendor of the outfit will be absolutely inappropriate.
3. Wedding script. Pay attention to the theme of your holiday (if any), contests and entertainment. First of all, the bride should be comfortable and comfortable.
4. The groom's suit. The outfits of the newlyweds should be in harmony, so it is worth choosing a dress that matches the image of the future husband.
5. Age appropriateness. What is acceptable at 18 may look out of place at 37. You should also take into account the peculiarities of the figure. Ladies over 30 can opt for a festive suit: trouser or with a skirt, evening or cocktail dress. A long classic dress to the floor and an exquisite hat are well suited for women of tall stature.
6. It is worth with due attention to the choice of accessories, shoes and hairstyles. It is better to leave the veil as a memory of the first marriage, and for the second marriage, it is better to choose fresh flowers or flowers made of polymer clay as a hair ornament. If you don't want to give up breathtakingly beautiful shoes with a high platform and a 10 cm stiletto heel, it would be nice to provide an option with removable shoes, which will be more comfortable during an evening feast.
7. There are no restrictions on colors. Stereotypes have been broken for a long time. If before the white color symbolized the girl's purity and purity, today women often choose dresses that are far from white for their first marriage.
Method by contradiction
By changing the image to a diametrically opposite one from the one that was at the first ceremony, it will be possible not only to diversify the family collection of photographs and a video library, but also to look from the outside which style suits better, where there is more grace and harmony. So, if in the first wedding celebration you looked like a cake with whipped cream, in the second - it's time to try the prim elegance of the 20-30s with silks, natural fur and an indispensable string of pearls around your neck.
Having drawn conclusions from the possible mistakes of the first marriage, the second marriage ceremony can be approached with certain knowledge and experience.