Wedding Anniversary 5 Years - Wooden Wedding

Wedding Anniversary 5 Years - Wooden Wedding
Wedding Anniversary 5 Years - Wooden Wedding

Five years of marriage, though small, is still an achievement. Especially against the backdrop of sad statistics that speak of a crisis in relations at the five-year turn. It is during these years that the overwhelming number of divorces falls. If the couple happily lived up to the Wooden Wedding, then this is already a great success.

Wedding Anniversary 5 Years - Wooden Wedding
Wedding Anniversary 5 Years - Wooden Wedding

By the fifth anniversary, the family has already managed to strengthen (put down roots) and receive fruits in the form of children. Therefore, the name of the anniversary is a wooden wedding.

In any mythology, a tree is a symbol of life, health and fertility. In the context of family relations, it is the personification of home, comfort and warmth. Five years of life together assumes that the spouses were able to establish not only a joint life, a stable life, plans for the future, but also acquire their own housing, be it an apartment or a house.

By this time, the husband and wife already thoroughly know each other and put up with each other's shortcomings, there are common goals for the future and a joint path to them has been built.

Until the 5th anniversary of marriage, the symbols of wedding anniversaries were chintz (1 year), paper (2 years), leather (3 years) and linen (4 years). All these materials are soft, pliable and fragile. The tree is the first solid element, and it means the entry into a period of relative stability and certainty between the spouses.

The first semicircular date from the date of the wedding is worth noting:

  • invite guests to a barbecue picnic,
  • rent a cottage at a recreation center near the river bank
  • gather everyone in a wooden bathhouse with a large relaxation room and arrange a feast there.

The most important thing in organizing a holiday is to be closer to nature. Also, there must be a symbol of the anniversary - a tree.

A wooden wedding is not complete without abundant treats, as well as gifts. You can present to spouses everything that is wooden or that concerns health. This can be sports equipment, massagers, bath sets, wooden utensils for the kitchen and interior, or a simple tree in a pot.

The heroes of the occasion can dress in one style or in one color scheme. For example, if the husband has a plaid shirt, then the wife of the same fabric may have a sundress. Or it could be the same T-shirts for lovers.

No matter how you dare to celebrate your anniversary, the main thing is that there are still many, many more similar holidays ahead.
