Wedding Anniversary 2 Years - Paper Wedding

Wedding Anniversary 2 Years - Paper Wedding
Wedding Anniversary 2 Years - Paper Wedding

The second wedding anniversary is a time when young spouses are full of energy, want fun and holidays, are happy to get involved in any adventures and believe that two years in marriage is a serious milestone, marking the overcoming of intolerable difficulties, critical concessions and self-sacrifice. On the one hand, it is so - the first few years in marriage are the most difficult and decisive, it is on them that the happy future of the spouses depends. On the other hand, the lovers still have something to come.

Wedding Anniversary 2 Years - Paper Wedding
Wedding Anniversary 2 Years - Paper Wedding

A paper wedding does not require grandiose celebrations. It is better to get together in a small cheerful circle of friends at the dacha or in a forest clearing, fry kebabs, play comic contests. For a husband and wife, you can figure out paper crowns and solemnly hoist them on their heads, seating them on improvised thrones - hemp, chairs. Spouses can prepare speeches from the throne to each other with a list of mutual merits or claims. A good psychological training to arrange a pillow fight or, according to the weather, a water battle with douches and shots from water pistols. It is better to alternate violent outbursts of emotions and energy with calm joint contests, in which the artistic abilities and fantasies of the spouses can be allowed to manifest by asking them to draw a family self-portrait after 10 years. Offer your guests a notebook in which everyone should write a congratulation or a wish in prose or even poetry. And also arrange a team competition to create the best image from paper clothes.

Newlyweds need to come up with some kind of symbolic tradition, whether it be writing secret notes with wishes for the future and burying them in a secluded place known to them alone or creating a stuffed animal that personifies all adversity, misunderstandings, troubles and grievances and its burning.

Second anniversary symbol - paper should be the leading theme in gifts. Envelopes with banknotes, caricatures of the heroes of the occasion, vases and various figures for the interior using origami technique, paintings in quilling, books, photo albums decorated with scrapbooking …

No matter how the spouses decide to celebrate their second anniversary - with friends in nature, relatives - at home or on a romantic trip tete-a-tete, the main thing is that the holiday is full of sincere good emotions, and there is a desire not to stop there.
