Shrovetide is one of the most beloved and brightest holidays in Russia, because it is with it that the farewell of the cold winter and the meeting of the long-awaited spring are associated. For a whole week, called Shrovetide, people have fun, treat each other with delicious pancakes and rejoice at the approach of warm days. And in order for spring to come faster, you need to observe several traditions.

Step 1
Shrovetide, and with it the guest of honor - Spring, was to be met. To do this, the residents bring down a bundle of straw into a common heap, each from his own yard. Then a stuffed animal is made of it, which is dressed up in bright festive clothes, a scarf is tied on the head. They carry the scarecrow in a sleigh throughout the settlement, welcoming and celebrating Maslenitsa. After going around all the streets, the straw doll is seated on the highest place in the main square for seven days and the festivities begin. A week later, she is taken out to the field and burned, saying goodbye to winter. It is also customary to throw pancakes into the fire for commemoration, because from this time Great Lent begins before Easter.
Step 2
Traditionally, Shrovetide offers a lot of entertainment. Snow towns are built, and then two teams are selected, one of which must capture the city, and the other to defend with brooms. Skiing from the mountains is still popular with both adults and children. Initially, it was a ceremony symbolizing fertility: whoever rolls down more times, he will have a better harvest. The most cheerful and lively ones are offered contests, who will slide down faster or further without knocking over the sled.
Step 3
Not a single Maslenitsa is complete without a bazaar and a booth. On the street, impromptu tables are set up, at which anyone can sell or exchange whatever he wants. Pancakes are especially revered; people always crowd around these tables. And in the booth at this time there is an impromptu performance with a masquerade, Petrushka, dances and songs.
Step 4
Until now, the tradition has survived to spend every day of the Maslenitsa week according to its purpose. On Monday, Maslenitsa is met by rolling a straw scarecrow around the city and treating itself to pancakes. Tuesday is called "play". On this day, on the square near the effigy of Maslenitsa, they arrange round dances, ride from the mountains and on a swing, and then dress up and put on small performances. Wednesday is called "gourmet". On this day, you need to set the table not only with pancakes, but also with all kinds of other dishes and eat as much as your heart desires. Fist fights, festivities and carols are held on Thursday. Friday is called "mother-in-law's evening". On this day, the newlyweds go to visit everyone who was at their wedding, and in the evening the sons-in-law are sure to treat themselves to mother-in-law's pancakes. Saturday is a family holiday: the daughter-in-law gives gifts to the sister-in-law. Sunday, the last day of Shrovetide, is still of great importance. It bears the title of "Forgiven" and obliges you to ask for forgiveness from those whom people could offend. On the evening of Forgiveness Sunday, Shrovetide is burned, and ashes are fluttered through the fields for harvest. Bread larks are baked for children to invoke spring. It is believed that from this day on, warm Spring wakes up and hurries to warm the earth.