The funniest and funniest day of the year is April 1, April Fool's Day. On this holiday, you may well become a victim of a prank, but perhaps you yourself will play a trick on someone to cheer up. Here are some prank ideas.

Step 1
A great prank for a class or student audience is to write a note "there is a broom on the ceiling" on a piece of paper and send it to the desks. It will be funny to watch how everyone will raise their head up and look at the ceiling, including the teacher, because sooner or later he will be interested in what everyone is looking for on the ceiling. A friendly burst of laughter is guaranteed!
Step 2
Play your best friend! Present him with a completely new banknote (for example, with a denomination of 100 rubles) and add with a mysterious look: "Just don't put it in the ATM." In the next half hour, and possibly longer, your friend will diligently compare your 100 rubles with his own and look for signs of a fake. Just don't torture him for too long!
Step 3
Play a trick on your own child (or nephew), assuring him in the morning that you are going to buy a goat and from that day on he will have to graze it every day in a nearby park, and then bring it home on a string, feed and milk. For greater persuasiveness, make a phone call in which to discuss the terms of delivery of the goat to your apartment. That's a pet!
Step 4
You can play a trick on your beloved man. In the morning, secretly from him, sign your phone number in his mobile with the name of his best friend. When your husband gets ready for work, do your best in front of the mirror, do your hair, hum to yourself. After the surprised husband leaves for work, write him an SMS: "I saw a handsome man with a huge bouquet of roses just come into your apartment." Expect the angry husband to appear in 5 minutes in new erotic lingerie. May he be a little late for work on April Fool's Day!
Step 5
Play a trick on a work colleague - buy in advance the same panel from the phone as his. On April 1, ask him to give you a phone number to call on an important matter. Step aside with your phone to simulate a conversation. Imperceptibly replace your colleague's phone with the purchased panel. Start talking emotionally, you can even shout. At the end of the conversation, throw the panel to the floor with all your might, and for more effect, start trampling it with your feet. Can you imagine your colleague's face?