What Is Red Cross Day

What Is Red Cross Day
What Is Red Cross Day

The Red Cross is one of the most prominent international charities. Therefore, this movement is even dedicated to the day, which is celebrated in many countries of the world.

What is Red Cross Day
What is Red Cross Day

The International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement was founded in the 19th century, in 1863. One of the founders of the organization was Henri Dunant, a Swiss citizen, entrepreneur and social activist. He also became one of the initiators of the adoption of the first Geneva Convention, which made it possible to alleviate the plight of the wounded in various wars. The birthday of this philanthropist - May 8 - began to be celebrated as the International Day of the Red Cross.

On May 8 each year, various international public organizations draw attention to the problems existing in world health, especially in developing countries and during military conflicts. Each year has its own motto, which should reflect the basic principles of the Red Cross - humanity, impartiality and neutrality in conflicts, independence from local authorities.

Various charity events related to the collection of donations are timed to coincide with the Red Cross Day. Also, around this time, events are held to streamline the activities of the Red Cross. Every two years, a Council of Delegates is held, where I send representatives from Red Cross cells from around the world. An international conference with a wider membership is organized every four years, including politicians from countries that have adopted the Geneva Convention. Such meetings help to synchronize the work of the Red Cross offices in different countries of the world, and also contribute to finding a common language with the political elite of different countries.

An ordinary citizen can also celebrate the day of the Red Cross in his own way. For example, donating blood or plasma will be a big help to the organization, from a shortage of which Russian hospitals often suffer.
