The musical "Romeo and Juliet" based on the famous play by Shakespeare was first staged in Paris in 2001. For ten years of its existence, it has been staged in 7 languages of the world, and in many countries it was a huge success.

Step 1
Romeo and Juliet was shown from January 2001 to October 2008 in France, Australia, Belgium, Great Britain, Hungary, Holland, Russia, Austria, Korea, Taiwan and Mexico. Only one production has survived to this day - the Hungarian one. Since 2010, a new version of the musical has been shown to the audience in France.
Step 2
On the territory of Russia "Romeo and Juliet" was shown from May 2004 to June 2006, so if you want to see the musical live, you will have to go to the Paris Palace of Congresses or the Budapest Operetta House. The cost of such a trip will be quite high, so it is worth considering carefully whether your budget is capable of pulling such costs.
Step 3
If your financial resources do not allow you to attend the performance, you can get acquainted with the recordings of the musical via the Internet. For example, on the website, a video recording of Romeo and Juliet in Russia, made in 2005 during a performance, is freely available. This version of the production was attended by such stars of Russian show business as Eduard Shulzhevsky, Lika Rulla, Nikolai Tsiskaridze and many others.
Step 4
Other versions of the Russian production of the musical can be found on numerous torrent trackers of the Runet, for example, In addition, on similar portals you can find versions of Romeo and Juliet in other languages. To work with many trackers, you may need special programs, for example, UTorrent.
Step 5
To watch the musical “Romeo and Juliet”, you can purchase a CD with the performance. This can be done using online stores, for example, It will not be superfluous to go through the stores of audio and video products and, having familiarized yourself with their assortment, try to find the video you need. Moreover, such stores can accept your application and order a disc or cassette with a musical from regional distributors of film products.