The Basque Country is located in the north-east of Spain in a mountainous area washed from the north by the Bay of Biscay. It has the status of an autonomous community, it consists of three provinces: Vizcaya with the capital Bilbao, Alava with the capital Vitoria-Gasteiz and Gipuzcoa with the main city of San Sebastian.

The inhabitants of the Basque country have always been famous for their proud freedom-loving character. Even the mighty Rome failed to conquer them. The power of the Roman governors was only nominal, which allowed the Basques to preserve their language, culture and national customs. The three above-mentioned provinces were under the rule of various rulers and by the beginning of the 16th century were part of a single Spanish state, retaining some privileges and the right of local self-government. In 1876, this right was taken away from them. After the victory of the Popular Front in the 1936 elections, an autonomous region was created in the place of these three provinces - the Basque country. However, after the defeat of the Republicans in the civil war of 1936-1939. dictator F. Franco deprived the Basque country of self-government. Only in 1980, after the death of Franco and the beginning of democratic changes in Spain, the Basque country received autonomy.
The severe economic crisis, in which the autonomy had been for dozens of years, since the beginning of the 80s gave way to a rapid economic growth. Along with traditional farming, industry and tourism began to develop in the Basque Country. And now this beautiful, distinctive region attracts many guests both from other regions of Spain and from abroad. One of the most colorful and tempting spectacles is the famous Aste Nagusia ("Big Week") fiesta, which takes place annually from 18 to 26 August in Bilbao, the capital of the province of Vizcaya.
The traditional cannon shot serves as a signal for the start of the holiday. A multitude of barkers emotionally invite guests to enjoy the colorful spectacle. Bilbao literally rages at this time, the fun does not stop even at night. In the afternoon, there are endless parades, bullfights, competitions of strongmen who chop logs at speed and hammer holes in the cobblestones. At night - concerts and fireworks. The fiesta ends with the burning of a Marihaya doll - a stuffed ruddy woman in a national Basque dress. Tourists are better off watching fireworks from city bridges. In addition, they should take into account that many shops close during the fiesta.
There are different ways to get to the city of Bilbao. For example, fly to the local airport (via Madrid, with a transfer). Or, arriving in Madrid or Barcelona, get to Bilbao by train or intercity bus. The Madrid-Bilbao train takes a little over 6 hours, a ticket costs about 33 euros. The Barcelona - Bilbao train takes longer - about 9 hours. A train ticket is a little more expensive - about 40 euros.