For future newlyweds, the purchase of invitations is an insignificant item in the pre-wedding budget. At the same time, for their guests, the celebration begins with these small cards. Therefore, invitations should be not only beautiful and original, but, first of all, informative.

Step 1
Where to get it Decide which way is closer to you: buy ready-made invitations in a store, order in a workshop, or make it yourself. The first option has an undeniable advantage in the form of price, but also a significant drawback - not too wide a choice. The second method will answer all your aesthetic preferences, but, most likely, it will cost a pretty penny. But if you make invitations yourself, you will be able to save money without giving up your grandiose ideas. Of course, in this case, you will need certain scrapbooking skills and materials for work (paper, cardboard, paints, ink, decorative elements) or the ability to work in graphic editors on a computer.
Step 2
Design: Choose invitation cards in accordance with the theme of the wedding. In the traditional scenario of the celebration, invitations can be anything. The usual "love" theme will do: rings, flowers, pigeons, wedding lace, hearts … For a fashionable and relevant wedding with a color accent, cards for inviting guests should be made in the chosen range: for example, white (cream, ivory, champagne) with red / blue / lilac decoration. For a thematic wedding, the design of invitations should also be appropriate: nautical, "stylish", retro design.
Step 3
The invitation has a fairly simple, clear structure: appeal, invitation, date, time, place of registration and banquet, additional information. It is appropriate to address friends simply by their first names, to colleagues and superiors - by first name and patronymic, to relatives - by first name and patronymic and "status" (for example: "Dear Natalya Alekseevna! Dear mother!"). In the invitation, indicate your wishes for the appearance of the guests (this is relevant for themed weddings with a specific dress code), a request to arrive by personal transport, if possible, or information about the return transfer for those invited. You can specify the estimated end of the celebration.
Step 4
Alternative: Instead of traditional postcards, invite guests with a letter in a bottle, an "antique" scroll, a balloon with a note, a vinyl record with the text on a paper mug in the center. This will set them on the right wave before your wedding theme. And if you have sufficiently advanced family and friends, you can replace the standard invitation with a video message on uTube or a specially created site.