A funny joke can defuse even the most tense atmosphere. If you make a person laugh, it will be easier for you later to win him over, and using funny jokes of your own composition will increase your popularity.

Step 1
Decide on the topic you are going to write a joke about. A win-win option would be if you opt for an actual topic. Plus, if you can wittily illuminate classic stereotypes from a different angle, your joke will be a success. When choosing a joke topic, you should focus on the audience for which it is intended. Keep in mind that what matters is the age, gender of people, their occupation, nationality, social status, and how well you know them. You should not take risks and joke about slippery topics with unfamiliar people. You may at least be misunderstood.
Step 2
Think about what you see funny in the situation you want to play up. True comedians know how to be the first to notice those funny nuances and funny details that most people do not notice. Remember not to joke about hackneyed topics. The joke will be flat, because most likely you will come up with a variation of the joke invented before you.
Step 3
Choose the style of your joke. It, like the theme, is determined by the audience. Not everyone will like crude humor, and vice versa, not everyone can catch overly subtle jokes. In any case, refrain from outright vulgarity and try not to use toilet humor. He is able to make few people laugh, but he can fix you the stigma of a dimwitted person.
Step 4
Go directly to composing a joke. Try to keep your point as short as possible. Choose the words that most accurately convey your mood. You may have to think for more than one day about what the joke will be. Also, jot down your successful ad-libs. Unplanned, witty statements in society will help you determine what is best for making people around you laugh.
Step 5
Learn from someone else's experience. Try to memorize which jokes by other authors evoke the most positive emotions in people. Of course, you should develop your own unique style, but such observations will help you in shaping it.