The ability to joke is a precious gift that is not given to every person. Coming up with a good, witty joke is not at all as easy as it might seem from the outside. Here is a typical example: there are a lot of writers and poets, but literary humorists are many times less. In the life of any person, there may be a moment when it is necessary to come up with a joke, cheer up the gathered company, defuse the tension that has arisen, cheer up both yourself and others!

Step 1
The joke should be clear to everyone present, or to the large majority. Based on this, choose a suitable theme. People should not, listening to you, try to figure out: "What is it about?" Indeed, in this case, they will clearly not be laughing.
Step 2
Pay special attention to correct presentation. Clarity of speech, intonation, gestures, facial expressions - all this plays a huge role. Even the funniest joke will not cause fun if a person speaks indistinctly, every now and then stumbling, using the words-parasites: "Uh-eh …", "So …", "Well …", and the like. Moreover, with such a tense face, as if passing a difficult exam. Relax!
Step 3
A good joke is somewhat akin to a talented detective. There the reader is tense until the last moment, trying to guess: who is the culprit? And in 99% of cases he does not guess correctly. Likewise with a joke: you must intrigue the audience, arouse a genuine interest in them: how will it end? The denouement should be unexpected, especially after a carefully sustained pause. The greater the effect will be.
Step 4
If in the course of a joke you need to clarify or explain something - do it as shortly as possible, unobtrusively, at the beginning or in the middle of your story.
Step 5
Especially people will amuse a joke, invented outright, without preparation, deliberation, that is, impromptu. Here is a good example: once the great scientist Lomonosov sat down to rest on a park bench. A splendidly dressed dandy walked by, who asked with contempt, looking at Lomonosov's modest, in places shabby clothes: "What, sir, is learning peeking out?" - "No, sir, stupidity looks in!" - instantly retorted Mikhail Vasilyevich, causing an explosion of laughter from those around him. The whole Petersburg repeated the next day: "Oh yes Lomonosov!"