A prank is one good way to prank your friends or coworkers. There is even a certain day of the year when people try to play their loved ones in an original way - April 1, April Fool's Day. Old popular jokes are no longer interesting, and it's hard to come up with something new. However, nothing is impossible, there would be fantasy and a sense of humor.

It is necessary
a computer
Step 1
Identify the victim of your prank. You can play absolutely any person you know. However, you need to adhere to some framework. For example, you shouldn't be pranking your boss. Of course, there are some leaders who can understand the joke and will not be offended by you. However, it is better not to play the boss in front of the entire team, so that he does not feel uncomfortable. Also, do not joke about unfamiliar people. You can make a mistake in choosing a prank, and it will turn out far from funny, but on the contrary, it will offend a person. Therefore, the object of the joke is better to choose close friends who will definitely appreciate it.
Step 2
Try to come up with a prank in accordance with the characteristics of the person. For example, if your girlfriend is not computer savvy, you can prank her like this: take a screenshot of the desktop, then set this picture as a wallpaper on your computer. In the display settings, check the box next to "hide desktop icons". When the victim of the prank turns on the computer, a familiar picture will open before her eyes, but she will not be able to open any folder. Be there at this moment to enjoy her attempts to correct the situation.
Step 3
When choosing pranks, first of all think about whether it will be funny for the person you decide to play a trick on. The main thing is that the jokes are funny, and not lead a person to despair. For example, not everyone will be amused if you steal a car from the yard without being noticed, and then call the owner and, introducing himself as a police officer, inform him that his car is on the wanted list, since the criminals hit a man on it. Pranking doesn't have to be violent.
Step 4
Invite your friends. Even the most banal joke about a white back will be believed by the victim of a rally if a large number of people tell him about it. Come up with kind, funny jokes that are fun to laugh at and that will not hurt the person's feelings. Do not forget that they can play a trick on you, so be careful.