Graduation is not so much the road to adulthood as the end of childhood. School grievances, difficulties and falling in love will soon be forgotten. Therefore, the farewell evening must be made joyful and memorable. The furnishings are the best way to create the right atmosphere and mood.

Before buying material for decorating a hall, you need to immediately think over, if not the whole concept, then at least a general decor plan. Decide on the main color scheme. You should have one main tone and a couple of minor tones. An overly colorful decoration looks tasteless. You can create a festive atmosphere with the help of bright details. They are the ones who set the right accents. Of course, the decoration of the hall depends on many factors. You need to take into account the budget, correlate the decor with the holiday program, decide on the room itself.
If you need to separately decorate the hall for congratulations and presentation of certificates, and separately the restaurant, different materials will be required for both rooms. If everything will take place in one place, OR you only need to arrange a buffet table, the task becomes easier.
Order a large batch of balloons to decorate. They can be used to build columns through which graduates will pass. To create them, you only need a solid wire, which will serve as a frame. The remaining balloons, if filled with helium, can be placed on the ceiling. Hang cardboard numbers on the threads: threes, fours, fives.
Since graduation is the evening of goodbye to school, it would be nice to refresh the memories of the years spent there. Print photos of memorable moments in the life of each of the graduates and their classes. Take some large photos and hang them on the walls. This is a good alternative to boring wall newspapers.
If a festive dinner is held in a cafe or restaurant, its decoration will be limited to the same balls and a couple of unusual details on the tables. In the case when the buffet table is organized on its own, you will have to put in more effort. Buy fabric to keep the room in a consistent color scheme. Drape the windows with it and cover the tables. To make chair covers, cut equal rectangular fabric cuts and sew ribbons to the sides. Now place them on the seats, and tie them with bows at the back.
Attach a bunch of balls or unusual lights to each table. It is necessary to pay tribute to nostalgia. Make a large cardboard heart, glue paper pockets to it and put it on the way out. Have students write notes of thanks and wishes to their teachers.
By the way, cardboard decorations can serve as a basis for decorating a hall. If there is only one class at the buffet table, you can print out large silhouettes of famous people and glue the faces of graduates to them. It will be a kind of look into the future. Try not to be trivial, because this day for children will never happen again.