The ninth month of the Muslim lunar calendar is called the holy month of Ramadan (Ramadan), it is accompanied by strict fasting and restrictions. Since the lunar calendar is shorter than the Gregorian one, and the calendars of Islamic countries differ from each other, the beginning of Ramadan cannot be tied to a specific date - in different countries its beginning falls on different days.

Fasting ("uraza") is necessary for every Muslim to strengthen his self-discipline and his faith. During Ramadan, believers devote the daytime to prayer, reading the Quran, meditating, pious deeds and work. In addition, after the fifth prayer, one more, additional prayer-namaz (taraweeh) is performed.
During daylight hours, you should not eat, quench your thirst, inhale tobacco smoke. At night, the restrictions are lifted, but the fasting menu should be strict, entertainment and excesses should not be indulged in. Even permitted food should be eaten in as little quantity as possible, since fasting is aimed at reducing carnal impulses. Many people begin to eat various delicacies in the dark, increase the amount of food they eat - in this case, the purpose of fasting is lost, there will be no benefit from it.
To feel the joy and reward at the end of the fast, the believer must experience real hunger. Restrictions on food in Ramadan are not only imposed on pregnant and lactating women, critically ill, children and people on the road or at hard work. These are the most obvious prohibitions, many people know about them. However, in addition to them, there are other, no less important prohibitions in Ramadan.
Try to avoid looking at forbidden places, these are any objects that distract the mind from the remembrance of Allah. Even your wife should not be looked at lustfully, let alone other women. Also, places where evil is committed are prohibited.
You need to avoid unnecessary arguments, unnecessary conversations, lies, backbiting, oaths, jokes, etc. Slander and slander are great sins and non-observance of this prohibition can make the course of the fast more difficult. Backbiting - talking about a person behind his back that he would not like. It is difficult for even devout Muslims to resist this sin, but one should constantly strive for it. Likewise, it is a sin to listen to such conversations.