What Is Shrovetide

What Is Shrovetide
What Is Shrovetide

Maslenitsa is an ancient Slavic holiday that has survived to this day since the days of pagan culture. Initially, it was associated with the day of the spring solstice, but after the adoption of Christianity, Maslenitsa began to be celebrated in the week preceding Lent.

What is Shrovetide
What is Shrovetide

This is a seven-day holiday with games, songs, round dances and a hearty meal. Pancakes - one of the main attributes of Shrovetide, had their ritual meaning: round, ruddy and hot, they were a symbol of the sun. In addition, Shrovetide is a cheerful farewell to winter. Each day of Shrovetide week has its own name: Monday - meeting, Tuesday - flirting, Wednesday - gourmet, Thursday - wide or walk, Friday - mother-in-law's evening, Saturday - sister-in-law's gatherings and Sunday - forgiven day. Since ancient times, the whole week has been called “honest, wide, katatochka, cheerful noblewoman-Shrovetide.” In addition to interesting names, certain actions and rituals are fixed for each day. On Monday, an effigy of Maslenitsa was made from straw, dressed up in old women's clothes and taken in a sleigh through the village. On Tuesday, festivities and entertainment began: performances, sleigh rides, ice slides, games and round dances. On Wednesday, pancakes were baked and a rich table was laid. Thursday was the middle of the fun week. There were hot fist fights "wall to wall" and "one on one". On Friday, the sons-in-law went to their mother-in-law for pancakes. The mother-in-law baked a lot of different pancakes: thick, with all kinds of fillings, as well as thin and delicate like lace, and she treated her son-in-law with all her heart. On Saturday, the daughters-in-law already received their relatives and laid a generous table for them. The last day of the festive week was called "Forgiveness Sunday." Friends and relatives asked each other for forgiveness for intentional and accidental offenses and griefs caused in the current year. Also, on the last day of Maslenitsa, a straw effigy is burned - a symbol of winter. Many traditions of celebrating Maslenitsa are still alive today. People have fun, bake pancakes, visit each other. Concerts and performances are held on the squares, various competitions for strength and dexterity are held, and at the end of the holiday, according to tradition, a stuffed animal of winter is burned. Shrovetide is one of the most beloved and merry holidays. This is the time devoted to good communication with loved ones, relatives and friends. For believers, this is preparation for Great Lent, which is dedicated not only to fun, but also to forgiveness of offenses and reconciliation with others.
