What Not To Do On Shrovetide And Shrovetide Week

What Not To Do On Shrovetide And Shrovetide Week
What Not To Do On Shrovetide And Shrovetide Week

Traditionally, Shrovetide festivities last seven days in a row. The culmination of the holiday - Shrovetide itself - falls on Forgiveness Sunday. And throughout this time, there are some actions that are prohibited from being performed.

Shrovetide bans
Shrovetide bans

When Maslenitsa week begins, work should not be neglected. This holiday of seeing off winter is not associated with laziness and passivity. During all seven days of Shrovetide, one should not avoid work, especially household chores, refuse to help anyone. During this entire period in life, there should be activity, energy. However, it is worth considering that it is not recommended to start repairs on Maslenitsa. Also, if possible, you should not sew / sew a lot, darn or embroider, knit.

Traditionally, on Shrovetide one should visit and invite both friends and close people and relatives, including distant ones. At the same time, in no case should guests come to an uncleaned, neglected, cluttered house. During Shrovetide week, you cannot postpone cleaning, leave dirty dishes, accumulate trash, and so on. The apartment should always be clean and "fresh".

One of the key points of Shrovetide is the ban on certain foods. Despite the fact that this winter merry holiday is associated with delicious treats, you cannot eat meat, bacon, meat products in any form during Maslenitsa days. Therefore, pancakes with meat filling will have to be abandoned. Another ban on Shrovetide, related to food, is not to succumb to temptation and overeat every day.

What else cannot be done on Shrovetide and during Shrovetide week? It is forbidden to use foul language, to express harshly, rudely, obscenely. It is important to be very sensitive to both your words and your thoughts, as well as actions, emotions. You cannot make trouble, sort things out, get involved in any conflicts or fights. You should try to solve any problems exclusively in a peaceful way, find compromises, avoiding quarrels and quarrels. And in no case during this holiday time should you curse others, threaten in any way.

On Shrovetide days, you should not throw away any food, even leftovers and not the most delicious leftovers of dishes. It is better to distribute them to the needy or feed them to stray animals.
