The most joyful event in preparation for the New Year is, without a doubt, the decoration of the Christmas tree. This is what both adults and children love for sure.

Every year we bring home a green beauty and decorate it in a chaotic manner: we hang a garland, balls of the Soviet era in different places, tinsel, rain on top (completely covering literally everything under it) and it's done. In our business, the main thing is that everything is colorful and shiny. But decorating a Christmas tree elegantly and tastefully is not so easy. In fact, this is hard work, which, probably, only designers learn.
Even a child can cope with such a seemingly simple task. But in fact, everything is a little more complicated, because here it is important to take into account the play of color, the combination of toys, the color of the garland and, of course, decide on the style.
The most popular style at the moment is European. It is in this style that the decorated Christmas trees look fabulously beautiful, as in famous foreign films, for example, "Home Alone". The Russians also began to adhere to this style, it is clearly visible in the new New Year's domestic films.
So, in order to achieve the "European" effect, Christmas tree decorations should be chosen in 2, maximum 3 colors. For example, white-red-beige or blue-cyan-silver, etc. Figures such as snowflakes, angels, snowmen, bows, gift boxes, stars and even candies are welcome in the decor. Figures should also be combined with each other, and not hang in a whole set on the tree, for example, snowmen are more suitable for snowflakes, and stars are more suitable for angels.
First of all, you need to hang a garland. It is advisable to choose one that will not be very bright and better than one tone. A warm yellow color will look beautiful, which will imitate candles well.
We hang Christmas decorations around, vertically or simply, as you like. Here is your flight of fantasies. You can also hang beads if they look harmonious with toys. But do not overdo it, the main thing is not to overdo it.