If you have no desire to arrange a magnificent wedding, but you want to celebrate this significant event with family and friends, think carefully about what costs it makes sense to reduce. And the money saved can be spent on a honeymoon trip or arrangement of a place of residence.

Step 1
Choose an initiative group from among the bridesmaids to entrust them with the organization of the ransom, escort to the registry office, registration of the necessary attributes. The girls selected must have skills in sewing or decorating and have experience in wedding preparations.
Step 2
Refer to free classifieds sites to find a wedding dress and suit. So you can save from five to fifty thousand rubles. If you wish, you can use any beautiful dress as a bride's outfit, even one bought at a sale.
Step 3
Remember which of your acquaintances is fond of photography. It doesn't have to be a professional photographer, the main thing is that he has good technique. Include him among the invitees. A person who is truly passionate about photography will enjoy the experience.
Step 4
Choose the simplest rings for your ceremony. If you wish, you can change them in a few years.
Step 5
Book a banquet at a restaurant or cafe. Give preference to a place where you can buy alcoholic drinks yourself and bring with you. Alcohol is one of the most expensive items in the wedding budget, so it makes sense to buy drinks in a regular supermarket. Think over the menu, do not order five or six changes of dishes, it will be superfluous. The main thing is that there are cold appetizers on the table, and half of the guests may not sit until the "third hot".
Step 6
Make out invitations with your own hands, refuse typography services. Of course, professionally made invitations look very good, but signed by the bride or groom keep their hands warm.
Step 7
Take care of decorating the attributes of the wedding yourself, involve the bridesmaids in this process. You can decorate your own glasses, a pillow for rings, bottles of champagne, the necessary equipment for contests. Arrange with the cafe where the celebration will take place that you will decorate the banquet hall on your own.
Step 8
Check with the guests about the availability of personal transport and the desire of the drivers to refuse alcoholic beverages before dinner at the restaurant. If you need to attract additional transport, hire a gazelle or a bus with a driver. Decorate the salon with balls or ribbons.