Unlike men, for a woman of the year it is not wealth, and therefore, when choosing a gift for a 55-year-old lady, you should avoid focusing on her age. Nevertheless, it is worth considering another important nuance - the spiritual, mental and spiritual maturity of the hero of the occasion, which make up the harmony of this age. In addition to these points, when choosing a presentation, you need to focus on care and attention. This will show the birthday girl that she is really important and dear to you.

Gifts for a 55-year-old woman: classic and traditional options
A gift for a 55-year-old woman should be feminine and elegant. For example, a music box is perfect as such a presentation. The souvenir shops offer a large selection of such items, from laconic and stylish to painted and carved. The birthday girl will be able to put in the box the jewelry that she has accumulated over the course of her life. If such a souvenir is placed in a prominent place, it will attract the attention of guests of the hostess of the house.
A 55-year-old woman can also be presented with a classic present in the form of a beautiful scarf or good perfume. However, these gifts should not be given unless you are very close.
An age such as 55 also symbolizes an important stage in life - retirement. This means that soon a woman will devote herself entirely to her family and hobbies. If the hero of the occasion loves to cook, present her with kitchen appliances. It can be an electric grill, a microwave oven, a food processor with many functions - from chopping and slicing food to squeezing juice and kneading dough. Tableware of well-known manufacturers will also become an appropriate present.
Another traditional gift for a woman of mature age is a tea or coffee set. Their variety in stores allows you to purchase a service for both 2 and 12. You can also present the birthday girl with an exclusive gift - a vase made of Bohemian glass. On the occasion of the celebration, complement it with a luxurious bouquet of flowers.
Actual and fashionable gifts for a 55-year-old woman
Many modern ladies of mature age strive to keep up with the times, to follow fashion. Therefore, you can give a 55-year-old woman an up-to-date, fashionable and stylish present that will cheer her up. For example, you can give the birthday girl aroma sets - candles and exotic oils or a stylish aroma lamp.
A good gift for a 55-year-old woman is a leather bag, but this accessory should be chosen with taste. Let it be stylish and elegant at the same time.
If you still could not decide what is better to give to the birthday girl, then invite her to a concert or to a theater where her favorite performer or actor performs. Just let such a present be a surprise for her.
Surely you know about the hobbies and hobbies of the hero of the occasion. Then give her something that will allow her to further develop in this direction. For example, you can present an annual subscription to a magazine, a book by an authoritative specialist from the area of interest to the birthday girl, a set of polymer clay, an illustrated handicraft manual. The more information you have, the easier it will be to decide on a present.
Of course, flowers are the best addition to any gift. Worry about them in advance and order a luxurious bouquet delivered to your home. Then the flowers will be able to stand longer and, accordingly, will delight the hero of the day for a longer time.
Be sure to prepare your speech. Let it be very short, but gentle and warm. Tell the birthday girl that you really appreciate and love her. And remember that the best gift will be your care, love, warmth and attention.