New Year, Christmas, March 8 and many other holidays have long become familiar to us. In other countries, sometimes so bright and original celebrations turn out to be customary and traditional that thousands of tourists come there, dreaming to look at the unusual action with their own eyes.

What interesting holidays are celebrated in spring and autumn
Every November, Thailand has a monkey festival. Huge tables are brought to the Buddhist temple called Pra Prang Sam Yot, each of which is covered with a beautiful tablecloth. Then people arrange the treats, and the table setting follows special rules. Of course, the fruits of all these efforts disappear very quickly: hundreds of monkeys rush to the tables, and soon there is no trace of the treat or the luxurious serving.
This holiday belongs to the category of religious. The fact is that, according to legend, it was the monkeys who were the assistants of the god Rama in his fight against enemies.
On the night of May 1, an amazing holiday is celebrated in Germany - the night of the Unclean Power. Arriving at the appointed time on Mount Brokken, you will be taken to a real sabbath, where you can see devils, sorcerers, witches. To take part in the holiday, you need to change into a special costume. However, the matter is not limited to this: cities and villages are decorated with figures of devils and witches, and bunches of magic herbs are hung on doors and windows.
The most original winter and summer holidays
In August, the Spaniards celebrate the holiday of the passing summer. On the appointed day, thousands of people come to the square of the city of Buñol to carry out one of the most unusual "battles". It is interesting that among them there are many tourists from all over the world. As soon as the signal is given, which is usually the launch of a firecracker from the city hall, trucks drive out into the square, carrying many ripe tomatoes. The task of the celebrants is to grab the "weapon" and throw around as soon as possible. Towards the end of the "battle" people are already forced to wander across the square knee-deep in tomatoes. However, this does not end there: after finishing the "battle", the celebrants bathe in pools filled with tomato juice.
It takes quite a long time to clean the square and walls after the holiday of the outgoing summer. To make it easier, before the start of the "battle" the surfaces are covered with protective screens.
In February, an amazing holiday is held in Japan - the day of naked men. Thousands of the stronger sex, having been cleansed in the temple and donning only loincloths, arrange a procession through the streets of cities. Their situation is complicated not only by the cold, which the Japanese believe purifies the body and soul, but also by the desire of others to touch their naked bodies. According to legend, touching a participant in the procession on this day, you can gain luck and happiness.