Day of the employee of the tax authorities of the Russian Federation (or simply the Day of the tax employee) is celebrated annually on November 21. A special decree of the President of Russia "On the Day of an employee of the tax authorities of the Russian Federation" was even issued about this. But the history of this holiday is much longer.

The tax service dates back to the time of Peter I. It was during his reign that four colleges were formed to manage financial affairs. They were called chamber collegium, state office collegium, revision collegium, and commerce collegium. This was the prototype of the modern tax service: the chamber collegium made sure that taxes were received in the state treasury on time.
Catherine II in 1780 created an expedition on state revenues. Under the Empress, the tax system became simpler and more transparent, and taxes were relatively low. But non-payment was punished severely, the guilty citizen could even be imprisoned.
During the time of Alexander I, in accordance with the manifesto "On the establishment of ministries", among others, the Ministry of Finance was formed - it was in charge of state revenues and expenditures.
However, the state tax inspection appeared in its composition much later - only in 1990, thanks to the decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR.
In 1991, by the decree of the President of the Russian Federation, an independent State Tax Service of the Russian Federation was formed. It happened on November 21, since then this day is considered the Day of the Tax Worker.
After that, she still managed to change its name - from the State Tax Service of Russia to the more respectable Ministry of the Russian Federation for Taxes and Duties.
Celebration traditions
This is how the tax service in Russia changed over time. Its role in the life of the state is extremely important: the department ensures the implementation of economic and social policy, promotes the implementation of the constitutional rights of citizens to education, medical care, payment of salaries and pensions.
This holiday is a business day unless it falls on a weekend. However, the official holiday is celebrated at the state level. On this day, government receptions, concerts and other special events are held. The country's leadership and the highest ranks of the tax service congratulate their subordinates, the most distinguished employees are encouraged with state awards, mementos, awards, government letters and gratitude from the leadership.
By the way, Russian accountants celebrate their professional holiday on the same day.
In addition to Russia, the Day of Tax Service Employees is celebrated in Azerbaijan (February 11), Belarus (the second Sunday in July) and in Ukraine (now called the Day of Tax and Customs Employees of Ukraine, celebrated on March 18).