The first birthday of a child is a holiday more for adults than for children. The hero of the occasion himself does not yet realize why his parents, grandmothers, grandfathers, uncles and aunts gathered at the table. However, he clearly captures the atmosphere of the holiday, and those waves of love that pour out on him on this special day.

Challenges and ideas
The task of the parents on this day is to celebrate the anniversary so that the memory of this event will be warm in the heart of the baby. You should not invite many of your friends and distant relatives to visit, let only the closest and most loving people be at the table. The child will feel comfortable in the company of his parents and a couple of relatives. The presence of a large number of people will quickly tire the baby.
Since the child is still very young, he most likely has no friends yet. You should not invite guests with older children and hope that they will look after the child. Older children are very bad nannies: they distract the attention of adults and absolutely do not understand what can and cannot be given to a one-year-old child. The responsibility for the safety of your baby rests only with you, and certainly not with your friends' children.
Prepare invitation cards. The best invitations will be postcards made with the participation of the hero of the day. Just cut a few sheets of landscape paper in half and hand it to the baby along with felt-tip pens or pencils. Let him show his creativity and draw what he wants. You just have to modestly sign the "masterpiece" in the corner and supplement it with an invitation text with the date of the event.
We decorate the room
Decorate the room with balloons. Both children and adults will be delighted with such decoration. Since balloons tend to burst, you should not hang air garlands in the nursery: a loud sound can scare the baby. It is better to limit yourself to the room in which you will meet guests. However, non-lazy parents can hang a couple of garlands in the children's room in order to put them in the living room during sleep.
You can also decorate the room with a serpentine or paper garlands. Make a paper train from 12 cars and stick photos on it. Place photos of the parents at the driver's seats, stick photos of the child in the trailers by months: from the first month to a year. Under the trailers, one can describe the child's achievements: “Learned to eat from a spoon,” “Learned to sit,” and so on.
We set the table
Prepare two assortments of meals for children and adults. For the birthday man and his little guests (if any), you need to prepare special age-appropriate dishes. Ask parents in advance what their babies can eat, and what food is better to abstain from. If there are no guests, and the birthday person's main diet consists of infant formula or breast milk, then a self-made cake with a solemn candle in the middle will be enough.