On the eve of February 23, most of the fair sex begin to seriously think about what to please their beloved men. There is a great variety of ideas for gifts and congratulations, and I really want not just to "serve the duty", but really to please a dear person.

Step 1
When choosing gifts, it is better to immediately throw out of your head practical, but boring options like shaving sets or similar necessary (but not at all festive) things. After all, you are looking for not just a universal present, but a gift for a loved one, so do not forget about an individual approach.
Step 2
If you know how to do something with your own hands (for example, knit, sew, cook well, photograph or paint beautifully) - it's just wonderful. Such a homemade gift, intended specifically for your chosen one, will not leave him indifferent. Tie some warm thing for him that will warm in cold weather and remind him of your love for him, draw a greeting card with a touching inscription, organize a gala dinner with his favorite dishes or make a thematic "military" calendar. And these are not all ideas - just do not be afraid to create and come up with something new.
Step 3
If February 23 for your boyfriend is not just a men's holiday and a pleasant tradition, but a really important day (for example, if he served or serves in the army, or if he decided to connect his life with the armed forces), then the choice of a gift should be given a special Attention. In this case, it is better to do without sentimental trifles and comic gifts. Find a real man's gift, such as a quality folding multifunctional knife, cigarette case, flask, compact pocket torch or a travel thermos. If the guy is fond of fishing, give him a new fishing rod, and if he is a gambling hunter, please him with a quality hunting knife. Books and various accessories (umbrella, scarf, gloves, wallet) are also suitable as a gift.
Step 4
If your boyfriend is a collector, then another piece to replenish the collection will be just an excellent gift. And in order to "get into the top ten", carefully find out in advance what exactly your young man dreams of and what he lacks for complete happiness.
Step 5
If your boyfriend (and you) is a romantic, then he will undoubtedly be pleased with an unusual gift - dedication. It can be a congratulatory poem or piercing lines in prose, a suitable song or a set of compositions that he really likes and with which pleasant memories are associated.
Step 6
If your young man has a good sense of humor, you can associate the gift with the theme of the holiday and supplement it with toy weapons, military equipment and cars, as well as various soldiers. However, such a present should not be given to those men who have tied their lot with the armed forces (so as not to offend with their frivolous attitude), as well as to those who have panic about the word “army” (so that it would not be regarded as mockery and mockery).
Step 7
But gifts are not everything. It is very important to create a real festive atmosphere for your boyfriend. It's up to you to decide what it will be - a quiet home dinner or a noisy disco in a club. It is only important that the two of you are comfortable and fun. However, if, for example, you prefer quiet holidays, and your loved one loves to have fun to the fullest (or vice versa), February 23 is the day when you should accept his rules of the game (even if he does not ask for it). Be loyal to your young man even if he prefers not to celebrate this holiday at all or spend it with colleagues (current or former) - do not insist on spending time together and do not be offended, but just try to understand him.