You have had a rare happy day when you are finally home alone. After seeing the large family and closing the door behind them, you realized that you can devote the whole day to yourself and you can relax at home alone. You need to spend this time with the maximum benefit for yourself.

Step 1
Go to the store and buy yourself something tasty. You can take a little bit of everything so that you can slowly feast on and pamper yourself at home. The set may include a bottle of good light wine, to which you can buy exquisite cheese with blue or white mold and fruit.
Step 2
A complete rest will not work until you slightly tidy up the house, but do not overdo it - you are going to relax, and not do a general cleaning. Turn on peppy music, dust and clean the floors in the house, ventilate the rooms. Well, now you can relax and start directly to rest.
Step 3
Take care of your beauty - take a shower with aromatic salts, lie in warm water, make an exfoliating mask or use a scrub to cleanse your skin. Do not forget to pamper your body with cosmetic milk.
Step 4
Apply a nourishing mask to your face, lie down with it for about 20 minutes, so that it nourishes your skin and smoothes out wrinkles. After you wash it off, massage your face and apply a nourishing or moisturizing cream, feel like in a spa. Try to fall asleep, we think that after a bath it will be easy.
Step 5
If you have not managed to fall asleep, do not leave the sofa in any case - just lie down with a book. It is better not to turn on the TV - this is an annoying factor and certainly will not do without bad news, disconnect from world problems. And do not sit down at the computer, let your eyes and brains rest. As a last resort, you can watch your favorite movies or a new comedy recommended by your friends on DVD.
Step 6
By the time your household returns, you will have a great rest and will be able to meet them refreshed and prettier. Take care of yourself!