The wedding anniversary is an excellent occasion for close relatives and friends of the heroes of the occasion to gather and celebrate this event in a cozy family atmosphere. Each wedding anniversary has its own name, which hints at what to give. This greatly facilitates the search for a gift and allows you to present the best present in honor of this holiday.

What to give for your first wedding anniversary?
The first anniversary is also called a gingham wedding. This name symbolizes the fact that the wedding silk was replaced by another material - chintz, and the threads that bind the spouses have become stronger. In addition, the name indicates that during this year the husband and wife have already got used to each other, since chintz is a fabric for everyday clothes.
The first anniversary is celebrated one year after the wedding. Usually this day is celebrated without the same scope as on the wedding day, and among the invited people there are usually the best friends and close relatives.
If you are on the list of guests invited to a chintz wedding, it is best to give the heroes of the occasion a textile gift. These can be bed linen, cotton towels, bedspreads, tablecloths, curtains and other fabric products.
However, no one will blame you even if you don’t give anything chintz, but give some other present. In addition, if during the first year of life in a young family there was a replenishment, do not forget about a gift for the baby.
What to give for the second and subsequent wedding anniversaries?
The date of two years of marriage of the spouses, that is, the second anniversary, is called a paper wedding. On this day, by tradition, it is customary to give gifts made of cardboard and paper. The best gifts for this holiday are books.
Guided by similar considerations, it is not difficult to find a present for other dates. For example, on the third anniversary, which is called a leather wedding, it is customary to present gifts made of leather, on the fourth (linen wedding) - flowers and linen products, on the fifth (wooden wedding) - various souvenirs and wood products. Etc.
Wedding Anniversary Gift Ideas
For your wedding anniversary, you can think of some other interesting and original gift. It should be borne in mind that not everyone follows the tradition and give presents for this holiday, based on the name of the anniversary itself. So, you can give your friends for this celebration and household appliances, and souvenirs, and money, and household items.
In addition, the following original gift options are suitable for a wedding anniversary:
- romantic trip;
- comic present;
- dinner at a restaurant for two;
- DIY gift.
If you have the opportunity, you can give your friends a vacation to a resort or a cruise for their wedding anniversary. A more budget option is tickets to a movie, concert or club. A joke present can be given as an addition to the main gift. Amusingly decorated or funny household items, an original souvenir, a comical portrait will surely make the heroes of the occasion smile on their face.
When handing over a wedding anniversary gift to friends, do not forget to tell them a good toast from the bottom of your heart, and then the present you presented will give them double pleasure.
A gift in the form of a romantic dinner in a restaurant is relevant for almost any wedding anniversary. For this, it is advisable to choose the institution that the spouses loved to go to even before their wedding. For them, this will be an occasion to remember those wonderful times when they were ardently in love with each other and their relationship was just beginning.
Having decided to make a gift with your own hands, turn on your imagination. The main thing is that such a present symbolizes the unity of the spouses and the strength of the family union.