Norway's favorable economic environment makes it a very attractive destination for emigration. The temperate climate of the small northern country plays an important role. The government has a positive attitude towards those wishing to replenish the population if they are law-abiding and respectable foreigners. Obtaining Norwegian citizenship is easier than other European countries.

Step 1
Under Norwegian law, citizenship can be obtained in two ways. The first is granted by inheritance, in the event that one or both parents are Norwegian nationals.
Step 2
Second way: you can obtain Norwegian citizenship after a formal application. To do this, you must live on the territory of the state and comply with the requirements imposed by law. You can get citizenship in Norway if you are over 18 years old (except for children with Norwegian parents).
Step 3
You must have lived in Norway permanently for at least seven years, the last ten are included. Remember that for foreigners who are officially married to Norwegian citizens, this period is 5 years.
You must have a valid residence permit in this country.
Step 4
Your biography should not contain any previous convictions, membership in any terrorist groups, mental illnesses subject to compulsory psychiatric treatment.
Step 5
You must be fluent in Norwegian or Sami and have a document confirming this fact. Or, without fail, you will be forced to take a Norwegian language course for three hundred academic hours.
Step 6
Please note that the residence permit is tracked not only at the time of applying for citizenship. The residence permit is retained on demand throughout the entire period of consideration of your application. Obtaining citizenship is not a basis for extending a residence permit, therefore, in the event that the term comes to an end, take care of the extension in advance. It is better to start the renewal procedure one month before the final date.
Step 7
Take into account the peculiarities, as well as exceptions to the introduced rules for obtaining Norwegian citizenship. For example, for northern neighbors (Swedes, Danes, Finnish and Icelanders), the period of compulsory residence in the state has been reduced to two years. For citizens over 18 years of age who do not have any citizenship at all, the conditions for obtaining Norwegian citizenship are simplified. Certain exceptions apply to citizens with refugee status, as well as highly professional specialists.
Step 8
Each individual application is reviewed by the respective service individually. In this regard, check the information on the conditions of citizenship with the relevant authorities.