April Fools Day is called April Fools' Day - as you like. Playing with colleagues, friends and relatives on this day has become the same good tradition as, for example, making wishes on the New Year. On this day at work, you need to be on the lookout so as not to fall for the bait of the rally and not get trapped, because sometimes the jokes of colleagues are akin to "heavy artillery", or even completely "below the belt." This should be borne in mind when you yourself want to prank your workmates.

Step 1
Naughty Computer Mouse This prank can be done in an office where computers are facing each other (this arrangement is quite common). All that is required of you is to switch the mouse from one computer to another and vice versa before your colleagues come. Then you can enjoy the effect of your workmates turning on their computers and getting to work at the same time. The expressions on their faces can amuse you a lot.
Step 2
Naughty Computer Mouse 2Take a scotch tape and glue it over the eye of the optical mouse. Bewilderment, mild psychosis, calls for help - you can observe all this from the owner of the mouse, which suddenly refused to perform its functions, but is doing God knows what. You can also come to work early, before your colleagues arrive, delve into the settings of their computers and reconfigure the mice to be left-handed.
Step 3
Whose is it 100 bucks? You can go into the office of colleagues and, directing an amazed gaze under the table, ask an innocent question: “Oh, someone dropped 100 bucks. Whose is it? Be sure, everyone will rush under the table! And you just have to laugh and congratulate everyone on April 1.
Step 4
Fun Box Take an ordinary box and cut out the bottom of it. Put it on the cabinet and fill it with confetti, and on the side that will face your colleagues, glue the inscription. For example, "Compromising evidence", "Porn", "X-Files" or, say, "Condoms" (use your imagination!). Some of the colleagues will certainly be interested in the contents (after all, yesterday this item was not here) and wants to remove the box from the cabinet. Will pull it over and … will be in the rain of confetti! It's fun and not offensive.
Step 5
Another Fun Box Take a large box that would be difficult to get through the door with. Make a slit on top, and make an inscription on one of the sides. For example, "Help raise money for gender reassignment surgery." Or “Not enough for Lexus. Help anyone with what they can. " Come up with, do not skimp on imagination! Then take the box with the inscription to you. You "get stuck" at the door. And ask a colleague who is heading to your door to hold the damned box, otherwise the boss calls you urgently. Help your friend to squeeze through the door and run away. The inscription on the box is visible to everyone! Everyone laughs or, giggling, whispers, and the poor fellow cannot understand what the matter is.
Step 6
Eh, Klava! A harmless and funny prank. Take out a few letter keys on your colleague's keyboard and swap them. Two or three is enough. Removing the keys from their usual places is not difficult, you just have to pick them up with a ruler or the tips of clerical scissors. When a comrade sees that it is not a coherent text that comes out from under his hand, but an abracadabra, a complex expression will appear on his face. Perhaps he will start twirling the keyboard this way and that, shaking it and even for some reason looking under it …