It seems that now it will be possible to attend the concert of your favorite artist even after his death. This was successfully demonstrated by the organizers of the Coachella Music Festival held in California in April 2012. They presented the audience with a "live" performance of Tupac Shakur, who died tragically in 1996.

When the "resurrected" rapper with tattoos on his naked torso and in white jeans took the stage, greeted the audience and began performing his hits first solo, and then in the company of Snoop Dogg and Dr. Dre, the audience was amazed. The audience did not manage to unravel this phenomenon right away, especially since many (as they themselves admitted) were not quite sober. Of course, everything was done without mysticism and seances - the "miracle" was explained by quite real modern 3D technologies.
A video will help you get an idea of this spectacle. The hologram is incredibly realistic. That on the Coachella stage it is a three-dimensional image, and not a living person, becomes noticeable only after the appearance of a completely real Snoop Dogg - Tupac Shakur looks paler against his background, and a couple of flaws appear in the figure's movements.
According to the information available on the Internet, Afera Shakur, the mother of the late rapper, gave her blessing for such a "resurrection". She also provided the necessary materials to create a 3D phantom. The developers of the project emphasize that the image was made "from scratch", while Tupac's lifetime concert videos were not used. It took about four months to get to work and another two months writing the script. Contributors to this groundbreaking project included Dr. Dre's company, James Cameroon's special effects studio and hologram firms.
The cost of the project was not disclosed. According to experts, hundreds of thousands of US dollars were spent on the creation of this fantastic action. However, this money was not wasted. The venture brought a certain income and could continue to bring.
First of all, interest in the personality of the late rapper has increased, whom the public has already forgotten in the 16 years since his death. Sales of Tupac Shakur's albums and singles increased significantly. Information appeared in the media about a tour in which, in addition to the hologram, Snoop Dogg, Doctor Dre, Eminem and others allegedly intended to perform. Later, these rumors were denied, but there is no doubt that if such a tour took place, those who want to attend such a concert and see the wonders of 3D - there would be a lot of technologies personally.
It is also worth noting that the audience immediately began to dream about the continuation of the series of "resurrections". The names of Freddie Mercury, Elvis Presley, Kurt Cobain, "The Beatles" and others have been and continue to sound. And not only his fans, but also family members became interested in recreating the image of Michael Jackson. According to the brother of the late king of pop, the tour of their family group The Jaxons, which will include Michael's hologram, may well become a reality in the near future.
Well, time will tell how these technologies will be applied in the future. And enterprising producers will surely use them - after all, a 3D artist will never get tired, will not get sick and will not die again.