Holidays, Significant Events And Memorable Dates Celebrated On May 20

Holidays, Significant Events And Memorable Dates Celebrated On May 20
Holidays, Significant Events And Memorable Dates Celebrated On May 20

For some, May 20 is the most ordinary day and a date that does not say anything. But it turns out that it is associated with a considerable number of significant events, holidays and memorable dates, which it is useful to know about.

Monument to the pilot A. P. Maresiev
Monument to the pilot A. P. Maresiev

May 20: historically significant events and memorable dates

So, what made this day different in the world and national calendar?

1. On May 20, 1754, an imperial decree was announced on the opening of the first bank in Russia.

2. On May 20, 1862, an important state-level event took place in the United States - the Federal Homestead Act (land plots) was passed. From now on, all who are US citizens received land plots for free from a specialized free land fund. You only had to pay the registration fee. Its amount was 10 dollars, and the size of one allotment was no more than 65 hectares.

The Homestead Act had been in effect in the United States for over 100 years and was only repealed in 1976.

3. On May 20, 1916, the inhabitants of the city of Berlin in Canada decided to rename it so as not to have anything to do with Germany. So this city became Kitchener.

4. Since 1992, after the mass execution of refugees from South Ossetia by Georgian troops, May 20 has been considered the Day of National Mourning in Ossetia. This tragic event took place not far from the Ossetian village of Zar on May 20, 1992. Then 36 people were shot at point-blank range.

What is celebrated in the world on May 20?

May is rich in holidays, but the most famous dates are only the 1st and 9th of this month. However, many other days of this month are associated with important events that can be celebrated. For example, on May 20, the world celebrates:

1. Birthday of the world famous pilot of the USSR, Hero of the Soviet Union Alexei Petrovich Maresyev (May 20, 1916). During the Great Patriotic War, he managed to shoot down 11 fascist aircraft, and 7 of them - after a severe injury to the legs.

Even after a complex operation (amputation due to developed gangrene) and without legs, Meresiev still flew and successfully fought enemies in the sky.

During the war, this pilot made about 100 sorties. For his skill and courage, Aleksey Petrovich was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. Later, his life and exploits formed the basis of the book by Boris Polevoy entitled "The Story of a Real Man."

2. City Day, which is celebrated in Kaunas. It is the second largest and most important city in Lithuania with ancient history and cultural traditions. In addition, widely developed artistic crafts.

3. World Metrology Day. It was on this day in 1875 that 17 countries signed the "Metric Convention", on the basis of which the International Organization of Weights and Measures was created.

4. Day of the bank worker in Ukraine. He was appointed by decree of the President of this country in 2004 in order to emphasize the importance of the banking system for the development of the state.

5. Birthday of jeans. This holiday is traditionally celebrated on May 20, since it was on this day in 1873 that Levi Strauss received a license to sew trousers with rivets on their pockets.
