Holidays, Significant Events, Memorable Dates, Which Are Celebrated On May 27

Holidays, Significant Events, Memorable Dates, Which Are Celebrated On May 27
Holidays, Significant Events, Memorable Dates, Which Are Celebrated On May 27

There are many holidays in Russia that are known to everyone, loved and revered. But there are also memorable dates that few people know. But they are part of history, and, of course, deserve attention. For example, May 27 is also marked in the history of the country.

Holidays, significant events, memorable dates, which are celebrated on May 27
Holidays, significant events, memorable dates, which are celebrated on May 27

Birthday of St. Petersburg

Petersburgers love the month of May: on May 27 they celebrate the birthday of their city. On this day in 1703, Peter the Great laid the foundation of the fortress "St. Petersburg" (now the Peter and Paul Fortress) on the Hare Island. It is from this fortress that the Northern capital of Russia begins.

The city received its name from St. Peter, and not from the name of the founder of the city. In Russia, it was not customary to name geographical objects in their honor.

A year later, on the island of Kotlin, the first Russian emperor began to build Kronstadt, and opposite the Peter and Paul Fortress, he founded the city's commercial port on the Neva.

It was a great event in the history of Russia, because the founding of St. Petersburg gave Peter the Great the opportunity to "cut a window to Europe", as a port appeared for sea communication and trade with Europe.

All-Russian Day of Libraries

On May 27, all library workers celebrate their professional holiday in Russia. Officially, this holiday was legalized in 1995, but it bears its history from 1795. In that distant 1795, on May 27, in St. Petersburg, Catherine II founded the first state public library.

The first Russian library was founded by Yaroslav the Wise. And it was in 1037. This library was located in Kiev at the St. Sophia Cathedral, but it was not public.

Then it was called "The Imperial Public Library". It has survived to this day. Now it is the National Library of Russia. It is interesting that the decree on the construction of the library was signed on the birthday of the city. St. Petersburg turned 92 that year.

What else will May 27 be remembered for?

Already these two events are enough for May 27 to go down in the history of Russia. But on this day in different years, other, albeit not so significant, but still noticeable events happened.

So, on May 27, 1855, again in St. Petersburg, a monument to the Russian fabulist I. A. Krylov. In 1883, the Historical Museum opened its doors to visitors on Red Square in Moscow. And in 1929 Muscovites celebrated the opening of the monument to Ostrovsky.

A tragic event for Russia happened on this day: on May 27, 1905, the Battle of Tsushima began. During this last naval battle of the Russo-Japanese War, the Russian squadron was completely defeated.

But it is better to remember this day from the bright side. So, on May 27, people were born who glorified Russia: the Russian artist Arthur Berger, in 1929 the St. Petersburg and Ladoga Metropolitan Vladimir, in 1948 the cosmonaut Alexander Volkov, in 1967 the actress Maria Vasilyevna Shukshina.
